9061 Completion sign-offs

Completion considerations and sign-offs

OAG Guidance

The engagement leader, team manager and engagement quality reviewer (where applicable) document completion sign‑off at the conclusion of the audit to evidence that audit objectives have been achieved (see further guidance in OAG Audit 1021), conclusions are consistent with the work done, the engagement has been appropriately executed in accordance with the CASs, including responsibility for the direction, supervision and review of the audit engagement, overall quality has been achieved and the audit report is appropriate and can be issued.

Timing of completion sign-offs

OAG Guidance

The date of the completion sign‑off is no later than the date of the audit report.

On or before the date of the auditor’s report, the engagement leader determines that sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained through discussions with the team manager and engagement team and review of audit documentation. This includes determining that all audit work has been appropriately reviewed, coaching notes (other than those that are administrative in nature) are resolved and the documentation in the audit file is sufficient to support the final conclusions. When we obtained, discussed and agreed audit evidence before the date of the audit report but, for administrative reasons, some of the audit evidence is documented after the audit report date, the engagement leader needs to confirm that they are satisfied the subsequent documentation has been properly completed. Engagement teams are encouraged, where possible, to complete the documentation of all audit evidence in support of the audit report no later than the date of the audit report. If, on the date of the audit report, we have obtained but not documented all the evidence, the relevant completion procedure(s) “Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off” and “CA—Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off—Group reporting” (where applicable) is (are) signed off subject to completion of the documentation. Then, once the documentation is finalised, the engagement leader subsequently confirms that he/she is satisfied that the documentation has been properly completed by revisiting the completion procedures.

In addition, engagement teams comply with the guidance in OAG Audit 1172 when documenting audit evidence after the report date as well as OAG Audit 9043 when a fact becomes known to the auditor after the date of the auditor’s report but before the date the financial statements are issued.

Related Guidance:

See OAG Audit 1181 for guidance on multiple reporting situations.

Team manager completion sign-off

OAG Guidance

The Team Manager confirms to the Engagement Leader that completion of the audit work, including detailed file review and documentation of Significant Matters using the ISSUE functionality in the audit working paper software, is complete and accurate by signing the procedure “Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off” as Prepared. The team manager’s sign‑off of completion includes addressing the applicable affirmations within the sign‑off procedures. The team manager is also proactive in achieving timely sign‑off by the engagement leader and engagement quality reviewer.

Where documentation is added after the report date, the team manager marks the procedure “Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off” as Prepared for a second time. See OAG Audit 1171 for guidance on documenting audit evidence after the report date.

Engagement leader completion sign-off

CAS Guidance

Timely review of documentation by the engagement partner at appropriate stages throughout the audit engagement enables significant matters to be resolved to the engagement partner’s satisfaction on or before the date of the auditor’s report. The engagement partner need not review all audit documentation (CAS 220.A91).

OAG Policy

Prior to signing or recommending the auditor’s report for signature the engagement leader shall review and be satisfied with the matters and documentation set out in the Completion Sign‑Off section of the audit file. [Jun‑2019]

OAG Guidance

The engagement leader’s sign‑off of completion requires the engagement leader to address the affirmations within the completion sign‑off procedure. The engagement leader must sign‑off the procedure “Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off” as Reviewed. Even though the engagement leader may not be required to review every existing procedure related to these affirmations in the audit file, it may be prudent to do so to further evidence their involvement in the audit documentation. The engagement leader uses their judgment on whether to mark those procedures, or any other procedures as reviewed.

Where documentation is added after the report date, the engagement leader marks the procedure “Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off” as Reviewed for a second time. See OAG Audit 1171 for guidance on documenting audit evidence after the report date.

Engagement quality reviewer completion sign-off

OAG Guidance

Signing the Engagement Quality Reviewer Checklist and Sign‑off (CSQM 2) provides evidence that the engagement quality reviewer has considered, through review of the relevant audit documentation and appropriate discussion with the engagement leader and team manager, the matters required by CSQM 2 (see OAG Audit 3063).

The engagement quality reviewer may, but does not need to, electronically sign off each individual procedure(s) he/she has reviewed, but if not, documents the nature and extent of his/her review in the relevant quality reviewer’s checklist and the sign‑off procedure(s).

Clearance by the auditor’s report signatory

OAG Guidance

Signing the Completion sign‑off procedure “Clearance by the Auditor’s Report Signatory” evidences the Signatory’s final clearance of the auditor’s report for issuance.

Group and statutory reporting—Dual sign‑offs

OAG Guidance

Where two or more different reports are issued in respect of the same historical financial information, including disclosures of an entity, it is necessary to demonstrate that sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained to support each of the audit reports.

Thus, in situations where group reporting is completed and then later in the year the audit of statutory financial statements is completed, completion sign‑off is evidenced for each report as if it were for a separate engagement.

Group reporting sign‑off is evidenced by completing and reviewing the procedure “CA—Engagement leader and team manager—Completion sign‑off—Group reporting.” The date of this sign‑off is no later than the date of the Memorandum of Work Performed and Report Clearance Summary.

At the time of the group completion sign‑off, the engagement leader is satisfied with the work performed, evidence obtained, and documentation recorded regarding the group reporting. Therefore, all the matters in the general sign‑off guidance are considered if they are applicable to the group reporting, e.g. all related significant matters in the engagement file are marked as Reviewed.

Statutory reporting completion sign‑off is performed no later than the statutory audit report date, in line with the general completion sign‑off guidance above.

Related Guidance:

See OAG Audit 1181 for detailed guidance on archiving procedures when interoffice and statutory reports are issued.

Engagement leader—Taking overall responsibility for quality

CAS Requirement

Prior to dating the auditor’s report, the engagement partner shall determine that the engagement partner has taken overall responsibility for managing and achieving quality on the audit engagement. In doing so, the engagement partner shall determine that (CAS 220.40):

  1. The engagement partner’s involvement has been sufficient and appropriate throughout the audit engagement such that the engagement partner has the basis for determining that the significant judgments made and the conclusions reached are appropriate given the nature and circumstances of the engagement; and
  2. The nature and circumstances of the audit engagement, any changes thereto, and the firm’s related policies or procedures have been taken into account in complying with the requirements of this CAS.

CAS Guidance

Relevant considerations in addressing CAS 220.40 include determining how the engagement partner has complied with the requirements of this CAS, given the nature and circumstances of the audit engagement and how the audit documentation evidences the engagement partner’s involvement throughout the audit engagement (CAS 220.A114).

Indicators that the engagement partner may not have been sufficiently and appropriately involved include, for example (CAS 220.A115):

  • Lack of timely review by the engagement partner of the audit engagement planning, including reviewing the assessment of risks of material misstatement and the design of those responses to those risks.
  • Evidence that those to whom tasks, actions or procedures have been assigned were not adequately informed about the nature of their responsibilities and authority, the scope of the work being assigned and the objectives thereof; and were not provided other necessary instructions and relevant information.
  • A lack of evidence of the engagement partner’s direction and supervision of the other members of the engagement team and the review of their work.

If the engagement partner’s involvement does not provide the basis for determining that the significant judgments made and the conclusions reached are appropriate, the engagement partner will not be able to reach the determination required by CAS 220.40. In addition to taking account of firm policies or procedures that may set forth the required actions to be taken in such circumstances, appropriate actions that the engagement partner may take, include, for example (CAS 220.A116):

  • Updating and changing the audit plan;
  • Reevaluating the planned approach to the nature and extent of review and modifying the planned approach to increase the involvement of the engagement partner; or
  • Consulting with personnel assigned operational responsibility for the relevant aspect of the firm’s system of quality management.

OAG Guidance

Before signing the auditor’s report, CAS 220 requires the engagement leader to "stand back" and evaluate whether their involvement in the engagement has been sufficient to allow them to take overall responsibility for the quality of the audit engagement. By signing off the engagement leader completion sign‑off procedure, the engagement leader affirms that they have been sufficiently involved to fulfill this requirement.

The engagement leader’s sufficient and appropriate involvement is evidenced by:

  • Documentation of their involvement in planning, specifically the team planning meeting. The team planning meeting provides one important element demonstrating that direction and supervision of the engagement team and review of their work has been appropriately planned, as required by CAS 220.30(a).
  • Documentation of their participation at "taking stock" meetings. "Taking stock" meetings can be used to evidence the engagement leader’s ongoing direction and supervision of the engagement team and the review of their work (i.e., that direction, supervision and review was performed as planned, as required by CAS 220.30(a)). In addition, changes in the engagement circumstances that may require a change to the planned direction and supervision of the engagement team and the review of their work will typically be discussed at "taking stock" meetings. Documentation of these discussions evidencing engagement leader involvement provide evidence of the engagement leader’s ongoing involvement.
  • Their review of working papers. Sign‑off of the planning and completion sign‑off procedures require the engagement leader to address the affirmations within the planning and completion sign‑off procedures.

At the completion stage, consider whether the engagement leader is satisfied that their involvement has been sufficient and appropriate throughout the audit engagement and is appropriately reflected in the audit documentation, such that the engagement leader has the basis for determining that the significant judgments made and the conclusions reached are appropriate given the nature and circumstances of the audit engagement. Once the engagement is satisfied that these expectations are fulfilled, it will be appropriate to mark the completion sign‑off procedure as reviewed. In some cases, the engagement leader may determine that additional audit procedures or documentation may be necessary, or further consultation is needed. In this case the engagement leader marks the completion sign‑off procedure as reviewed only after they are satisfied that the additional work and related documentation has been completed.

Related Guidance

Other guidance relevant to completion sign‑off

OAG Guidance

Consultations with other accountants

When management has consulted other accountants about significant accounting and auditing matters, if the other accountant’s opinion differs from our views, the engagement team may consult, as appropriate, with Audit Services before communicating with management or those charged with governance. See OAG Audit 3081 for further guidance.

OAG Guidance

Confirm that the following instances, applicable to the completion stage of an audit, have been considered and satisfactorily dealt with:

OAG Audit Guidance

Circumstances when documentation shall be retained

The appropriate retention protocol has been followed for all circumstances arising related to possible claims threatened or filed against the firm.

OAG Audit 1191

Third party access to working papers

Access by others to engagement teams and to working papers shall only be given where adequate safeguards are in place to protect the office’s interests.

OAG Audit 1192

Resolution of internal disagreements as to engagement acceptance

Potential conflicts have been addressed and resolved.

OAG Audit 3011

Engagement quality reviewer—difference of opinion

The appropriate process has been followed when unresolved difference of view between the engagement leader and the engagement quality reviewer happened.

OAG Audit 3081

Technical consultations and difference of views between engagement team and Audit Services

Required consultation with Audit Services were performed, on issues identified as important to achieving consistency throughout the OAG with respect to the interpretation and application of standards. Potential disagreements between the engagement team and Audit Services have been addressed and resolved.

OAG Audit 3081

Authority to sign opinions and reports

All OAG audit opinions and reports have been signed by appropriately authorized personnel.

Delegation of Authority—Annual Audits and Special Examination Reports

Cessation of audit relationship

The appropriate consultation has been done when the office withdraws from an audit appointment, cancels, or significantly postpones an audit, or the source of the legislative authorities for the mandate changes.

OAG Audit 3011