8011 Forming an opinion


This topic explains:

  • Our objectives when forming an audit opinion;
  • Considerations when forming an opinion;
  • That detailed reporting policies and guidance can be located in the manual.

CAS Objective

The objectives of the auditor are (CAS 700.6):

(a) To form an opinion on the financial statements based on an evaluation of the conclusions drawn from the audit evidence obtained; and

(b) To express clearly that opinion through a written report.

Forming the opinion

CAS Requirement

The auditor shall form an opinion on whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework (CAS 700.10).

OAG Guidance

CAS 700 contains guidance on audit reports issued under CASs. Other CASs also contain requirements or guidance relating to the audit opinion or other audit reporting considerations. For a detailed list of reporting considerations included in other CASs, refer to OAG Audit 8015.

Use the latest audit report template available to achieve consistent high quality in the form of our reports.

Reasonable assurance

CAS Requirement

In order to form that opinion, the auditor shall conclude as to whether the auditor has obtained reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. That conclusion shall take into account (CAS 700.11):

(a) The auditor's conclusion, in accordance with CAS 330, whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained;

(b) The auditor's conclusion, in accordance with CAS 450, whether uncorrected misstatements are material, individually or in aggregate; and

(c) The evaluations required by paragraphs 12-15.

Related guidance

Refer to CAS 700 for guidance on forming the opinion.

Refer to OAG Audit 1051 for detailed guidance on reasonable assurance.

Refer to OAG Audit 7021 for conclusions on whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained.

Refer to OAG Audit 9015 for guidance on evaluation of uncorrected misstatements.

Compliance with applicable financial reporting framework

CAS Requirement

The auditor shall evaluate whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework. This evaluation shall include consideration of the qualitative aspects of the entity's accounting practices, including indicators of possible bias in management's judgments (CAS 700.12).

In particular, the auditor shall evaluate whether, in view of the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework (CAS 700.13):

(a) The financial statements appropriately disclose the significant accounting policies selected and applied. In making this evaluation, the auditor shall consider the relevance of the accounting policies to the entity, and whether they have been presented in an understandable manner;

(b) The accounting policies selected and applied are consistent with the applicable financial reporting framework and are appropriate;

(c) The accounting estimates and related disclosure made by management are reasonable;

(d) The information presented in the financial statements is relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable. In making this evaluation, the auditor shall consider whether:

  • The information that should have been included has been included, and whether such information is appropriately classified, aggregated or disaggregated, and characterized;
  • The overall presentation of the financial statements has been undermined by including information that is not relevant or that obscures a proper understanding of the matters disclosed;

(e) The financial statements provide adequate disclosures to enable the intended users to understand the effect of material transactions and events on the information conveyed in the financial statements; and

(f) The terminology used in the financial statements, including the title of each financial statement, is appropriate.

CAS Guidance

Management makes a number of judgments about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements (CAS 700.A1).

CAS 260 contains a discussion of the qualitative aspects of accounting practices. In considering the qualitative aspects of the entity's accounting practices, the auditor may become aware of possible bias in management's judgments. The auditor may conclude that the cumulative effect of a lack of neutrality, together with the effect of uncorrected misstatements, causes the financial statements as a whole to be materially misstated. Indicators of a lack of neutrality that may affect the auditor's evaluation of whether the financial statements as a whole are materially misstated include the following (CAS 700.A2):

  • The selective correction of misstatements brought to management's attention during the audit (e.g., correcting misstatements with the effect of increasing reported earnings, but not correcting misstatements that have the effect of decreasing reported earnings).
  • Possible management bias in the making of accounting estimates.

CAS 540 addresses possible management bias in making accounting estimates. Indicators of possible management bias do not constitute misstatements for purposes of drawing conclusions on the reasonableness of individual accounting estimates. They may, however, affect the auditor's evaluation of whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement (CAS 700.A3).

In evaluating whether the financial statements appropriately disclose the significant accounting policies selected and applied, the auditor's consideration includes matters such as (CAS 700.A4):

  • Whether all disclosures related to the significant accounting policies that are required to be included by the applicable financial reporting framework have been disclosed;
  • Whether the information about the significant accounting policies that has been disclosed is relevant and therefore reflects how the recognition, measurement and presentation criteria in the applicable financial reporting framework have been applied to classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures in the financial statements in the particular circumstances of the entity's operations and its environment; and
  • The clarity with which the significant accounting policies have been presented.

Evaluating the understandability of the financial statements includes consideration of such matters as whether (CAS 700.A5):

  • The information in the financial statements is presented in a clear and concise manner.
  • The placement of significant disclosures gives appropriate prominence to them (e.g., when there is perceived value of entity-specific information to users), and whether the disclosures are appropriately cross-referenced in a manner that would not give rise to significant challenges for users in identifying necessary information.

It is common for financial statements prepared in accordance with a general purpose framework to present an entity's financial position, financial performance and cash flows. Evaluating whether, in view of the applicable financial reporting framework, the financial statements provide adequate disclosures to enable the intended users to understand the effect of material transactions and events on the entity's financial position, financial performance and cash flows includes consideration of such matters as (CAS 700.A6):

  • The extent to which the information in the financial statements is relevant and specific to the circumstances of the entity; and
  • Whether the disclosures are adequate to assist the intended users to understand:
    • The nature and extent of the entity's potential assets and liabilities arising from transactions or events that do not meet the criteria for recognition (or the criteria for derecognition) established by the applicable financial reporting framework.
    • The nature and extent of risks of material misstatement arising from transactions and events.
    • The methods used and the assumptions and judgments made, and changes to them, that affect amounts presented or otherwise disclosed, including relevant sensitivity analyses.

OAG Guidance

Refer to CAS 210.A4-A7 for guidance on determining the acceptability of the financial reporting framework. Refer to CAS 700 for guidance on forming the opinion.

Related guidance

Refer to OAG Audit 1021 for guidance on our overall objectives in conducting an audit.

Refer to OAG Audit 2210 for guidance on communications with those charged with governance.

Refer to OAG Audit 7077 for guidance on indicators of management's bias.

Fair presentation

CAS Requirement

When the financial statements are prepared in accordance with a fair presentation framework, the evaluation required by paragraphs 12-13 shall also include whether the financial statements achieve fair presentation. The auditor's evaluation as to whether the financial statements achieve fair presentation shall include consideration of (CAS 700.14):

(a) The overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements; and

(b) Whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

CAS Guidance

Some financial reporting frameworks acknowledge explicitly or implicitly the concept of fair presentation. As noted in paragraph 7(b) of this CAS, a fair presentation financial reporting framework not only requires compliance with the requirements of the framework, but also acknowledges explicitly or implicitly that it may be necessary for management to provide disclosures beyond those specifically required by the framework (CAS 700.A7).

The auditor’s evaluation about whether the financial statements achieve fair presentation, both in respect of presentation and disclosure, is a matter of professional judgment. This evaluation takes into account such matters as the facts and circumstances of the entity, including changes thereto, based on the auditor’s understanding of the entity and the audit evidence obtained during the audit. The evaluation also includes consideration, for example, of the disclosures needed to achieve a fair presentation arising from matters that could be material (i.e., in general, misstatements are considered to be material if they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of the users taken on the basis of the financial statements as a whole), such as the effect of evolving financial reporting requirements or the changing economic environment (CAS 700.A8).

Evaluating whether the financial statements achieve fair presentation may include, for example, discussions with management and those charged with governance about their views on why a particular presentation was chosen, as well as alternatives that may have been considered. The discussions may include, for example (CAS 700.A9):

  • The degree to which the amounts in the financial statements are aggregated or disaggregated, and whether the presentation of amounts or disclosures obscures useful information, or results in misleading information.
  • Consistency with appropriate industry practice, or whether any departures are relevant to the entity’s circumstances and therefore warranted.

Related guidance

Refer to OAG Audit 9020 for guidance on overall conclusion analytical procedures.

Reference to the applicable financial reporting framework

CAS Requirement

The auditor shall evaluate whether the financial statements adequately refer to or describe the applicable financial reporting framework (CAS 700.15).

CAS Guidance

As explained in CAS 200, the preparation of the financial statements by management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance requires the inclusion of an adequate description of the applicable financial reporting framework in the financial statements. That description advises users of the financial statements of the framework on which the financial statements are based (CAS 700.A10).

A description that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with a particular applicable financial reporting framework is appropriate only if the financial statements comply with all the requirements of that framework that are effective during the period covered by the financial statements (CAS 700.A11).

A description of the applicable financial reporting framework that contains imprecise qualifying or limiting language (e.g., "the financial statements are in substantial compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards") is not an adequate description of that framework as it may mislead users of the financial statements (CAS 700.A12).

Reference to More than One Financial Reporting Framework

In some cases, the financial statements may represent that they are prepared in accordance with two financial reporting frameworks (e.g., the national framework and IFRSs). This may be because management is required, or has chosen, to prepare the financial statements in accordance with both frameworks, in which case both are applicable financial reporting frameworks. Such description is appropriate only if the financial statements comply with each of the frameworks individually. To be regarded as being prepared in accordance with both frameworks, the financial statements need to comply with both frameworks simultaneously and without any need for reconciling statements. In practice, simultaneous compliance is unlikely unless the jurisdiction has adopted the other framework (e.g., IFRSs) as its own national framework, or has eliminated all barriers to compliance with it (CAS 700.A13).

Financial statements that are prepared in accordance with one financial reporting framework and that contain a note or supplementary statement reconciling the results to those that would be shown under another framework are not prepared in accordance with that other framework. This is because the financial statements do not include all the information in the manner required by that other framework (CAS 700.A14).

The financial statements may, however, be prepared in accordance with one applicable financial reporting framework and, in addition, describe in the notes to the financial statements the extent to which the financial statements comply with another framework (e.g., financial statements prepared in accordance with the national framework that also describe the extent to which they comply with IFRSs). Such description may constitute supplementary financial information and, as discussed in paragraph 54 and is covered by the auditor's opinion if it cannot be clearly differentiated from the financial statements (CAS 700.A15).

OAG Guidance

Refer to CAS 700 Auditor’s Report template and consider consulting with Audit Services for guidance on referring to the applicable financial reporting framework in the auditor’s report.

Form of opinion

CAS Requirement

The auditor shall express an unmodified opinion when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework (CAS 700.16).

If the auditor (CAS 700.17):

(a) Concludes that, based on the audit evidence obtained, the financial statements as a whole are not free from material misstatement; or

(b) Is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,

the auditor shall modify the opinion in the auditor's report in accordance with CAS 705.

Considering the financial statements as a whole

If financial statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of a fair presentation framework do not achieve fair presentation, the auditor shall discuss the matter with management and, depending on the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework and how the matter is resolved, shall determine whether it is necessary to modify the opinion in the auditor's report in accordance with CAS 705 (CAS 700.18).

When the financial statements are prepared in accordance with a compliance framework, the auditor is not required to evaluate whether the financial statements achieve fair presentation. However, if in extremely rare circumstances the auditor concludes that such financial statements are misleading, the auditor shall discuss the matter with management and, depending on how it is resolved, shall determine whether, and how, to communicate it in the auditor's report (CAS 700.19).

CAS Guidance

There may be cases where the financial statements, although prepared in accordance with the requirements of a fair presentation framework, do not achieve fair presentation. Where this is the case, it may be possible for management to include additional disclosures in the financial statements beyond those specifically required by the framework or, in extremely rare circumstances, to depart from a requirement in the framework in order to achieve fair presentation of the financial statements (CAS 700.A16).

It will be extremely rare for the auditor to consider financial statements that are prepared in accordance with a compliance framework to be misleading if, in accordance with CAS 210, the auditor determined that the framework is acceptable (CAS 700.A17).

OAG Policy

Audit teams shall consult Audit Services when proposing a modified opinion on the financial statements or financial information, emphasis of matter paragraphs, or other matter paragraphs. [Sep-2020]

OAG Guidance

Refer to OAG Audit 8013, CAS 705, the CAS 700 Auditor’s Report template as appropriate for guidance on modified opinions.

In extremely rare circumstances, if compliance with the specific requirements of the financial reporting framework results in financial statements that are misleading, consider the need to modify the audit report depending on how management addresses the matter and how the financial reporting framework deals with such circumstances. Consult in accordance with OAG Audit 3081.