7073.7 Step 7: Evaluate Work of Specialists and Experts

Read Reports of Specialists and Experts and Respond to Findings

CAS Guidance

Specific procedures to evaluate the adequacy of the auditor’s expert’s work for the auditor’s purposes may include (CAS 620.A33):

  • Inquiring of the auditor’s expert
  • Reviewing the auditor’s expert’s working papers and reports
  •  Corroborative procedures, such as:
    • Observing the auditor’s expert’s work
    • Examining published data, such as statistical reports from reputable, authoritative sources
    • Confirming relevant matters with third parties
    • Performing detailed analytical procedures; and
    • Reperforming calculations
  • Discussing with another expert with relevant expertise when, for example, the findings or conclusions of the auditor’s expert are not consistent with other audit evidence
  • Discussing the auditor’s expert’s report with management.

Relevant factors when evaluating the relevance and reasonableness of the findings or conclusions of the auditor’s expert, whether in a report or other form, may include whether they are (CAS 620.A34):

  • Presented in a manner that is consistent with any standards of the auditor’s expert’s profession or industry
  • Clearly expressed, including reference to the objectives agreed with the auditor, the scope of the work performed and standards applied
  • Based on an appropriate period and take into account subsequent events, where relevant
  • Subject to any reservation, limitation or restriction on use, and if so, whether this has implications for the auditor; and
  • Based on appropriate consideration of errors or deviations encountered by the auditor’s expert.

OAG Guidance

For guidance on planning considerations related to using specialists and experts when auditing estimates, refer to OAG Audit 7073.2.

If we have used the work of a specialist or auditor’s expert to obtain audit evidence in relation to an accounting estimate, for example in support of certain significant assumptions, we obtain and review the agreed deliverables provided by the specialist or expert. Matters to address in performing this review include the following:

  • The deliverables are to be reviewed by an engagement team member with an appropriate level of experience to gain an understanding of the nature, timing and extent of procedures performed, evidence obtained, significant judgments made, and the conclusions reached.
  • Our review of the deliverables includes determining that:
    • The form and extent of the documentation and the nature and extent of the conclusions reached are consistent with what was agreed during the planning phase and meet the appropriate documentation requirements.
    • The work performed addressed all areas (e.g., the agreed significant assumptions) that were assigned to the specialist/expert.
  • We evaluate and take appropriate action on any items identified in the specialist/expert report (or communicated to us by other means) that require follow up and further consideration. For example, if the specialist/expert disagrees with the appropriateness of a particular assumption and recommends further investigation or changes, we understand the nature of the objections and determine the appropriate path to resolution. If we do not have the expertise to appropriately assess the item, we work with the specialist/expert to resolve the issue.
  • We review the scoping and/or completion memoranda (or alternative forms of documenting the agreed scope, objectives and division of responsibilities between the specialist’s/expert’s work and other engagement team members) to determine that all agreed work has been completed by either the specialist/expert or other engagement team members and all work was reviewed by appropriate individuals.
  • Determine that final versions of the agreed deliverables (e.g., memoranda and any supporting schedules prepared by specialists) are included within the audit workpapers.

Refer to OAG Audit 7073.2 for guidance regarding the use of work of specialists/experts when auditing estimates. For general guidance on the use of specialists or experts, refer to OAG Audit 3090 and OAG Audit 3100.

Refer to the Internal Experts - Scoping and Completion Memo template that may assist with the coordination of audit efforts when we use the work of internal experts. Similar considerations may be relevant to situations when we use specialists.

Information Provided by Management's Experts or Service Organizations

CAS Requirement

In obtaining audit evidence regarding the risks of material misstatement relating to accounting estimates, irrespective of the sources of information to be used as audit evidence, the auditor shall comply with the relevant requirements in CAS 500.

When using the work of a management’s expert, the requirements in paragraphs 21-29 of this CAS may assist the auditor in evaluating the appropriateness of the expert’s work as audit evidence for a relevant assertion in accordance with paragraph 8(c) of CAS 500. In evaluating the work of the management’s expert, the nature, timing and extent of the further audit procedures are affected by the auditor’s evaluation of the expert’s competence, capabilities and objectivity, the auditor’s understanding of the nature of the work performed by the expert, and the auditor’s familiarity with the expert’s field of expertise (CAS 540.30).

CAS Guidance

Information to be used as audit evidence, regarding risks of material misstatement relating to accounting estimates, may have been produced by the entity, prepared using the work of a management’s expert, or provided by an external information source (CAS 540.A126).

Management’s Expert

Assumptions relating to accounting estimates that are made or identified by a management’s expert become management’s assumptions when used by management in making an accounting estimate. Accordingly, the auditor applies the relevant requirements in this CAS to those assumptions (CAS 540.A130).

If the work of a management’s expert involves the use of methods or sources of data relating to accounting estimates, or developing or providing findings or conclusions relating to a point estimate or related disclosures for inclusion in the financial statements, the requirements in paragraphs 21-29 of this CAS may assist the auditor in applying paragraph 8(c) of CAS 500 (CAS 540.A131).

Service Organizations

CAS 402 deals with the auditor’s understanding of the services provided by a service organization, including internal control, as well as the auditor’s responses to assessed risks of material misstatement.

When the entity uses the services of a service organization in making accounting estimates, the requirements and guidance in CAS 402 may therefore assist the auditor in applying the requirements of this CAS (CAS 540.A132).

OAG Guidance

Use of management’s experts

Refer to the section Use of Work of Management’s Expert in OAG Audit 7073.2 for guidance regarding the use of work of management’s experts when auditing estimates. For general guidance on using management’s experts, refer to OAG Audit 3110.

As noted in CAS 540.A131, when the work of a management’s expert involves the use of methods, data or developing a point estimate, requirements of CAS 540.21-29 and related guidance in OAG Audit 7073.3 to OAG Audit 7073.6 may assist us in evaluating the appropriateness of the expert’s work.

Use of service organizations

When the entity uses service organizations in making accounting estimates, refer to guidance in OAG Audit 6040.