Internal Specialists


Internal Specialists

Consultations with internal specialists are required as indicated in our system of quality management (see OAG Audit 3081 Consultations).

The OAG maintains a single list of internal specialists for all product lines. The Determining Internal Specialist Functions document describes the process used by the OAG to determine internal specialist functions and maintain the list. The list is maintained by Audit Services.

The Framework for Developing Internal Specialist Guides provides information on the process and the roles and responsibilities for developing and publishing guides.

List of approved internal specialists

Internal specialist area Internal specialist Specialized knowledge and guidance

Actuarial and pensions

Jessie Foster

Annual Discount Rate Guidance [Word Document]

Guide—Auditing Pension Assets and Obligations in the Financial Statements of The Sponsor

List of monthly discount rates—regularly updated [PROxI]

Compliance with authorities

Etienne Matte

Gender, equity, diversity, and inclusion

Contact us:

Carey Agnew

Integrating Gender, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Into Direct Engagements—A Gender-Based Analysis Plus Approach [PDF]

Navigating the Guidance on Integrating Gender and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion—A Gender-Based Analysis Plus Approach [PDF]

Economic analysis

Mathieu Lequain

Environment and sustainable development

Contact us:

Elsa DaCosta

Environment and Sustainable Development—Guidance and Resources

Financial instruments

Riowen Abgrall

Financial Instruments Specialists Team

Human resource management

Robyn Roy

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Performance Management (November 2018)

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (November 2018)

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Recruitment and Retention (November 2018)

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Strategic Human Resource Planning (November 2018)

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Compensation (November 2018)

Guide for Performance Audits and Special Examinations on Learning, Training, and Development (November 2018)

Research and quantitative analysis

Contact us:
Make a service request (TOPdesk)

John Hilton

Values and ethics

Contact us:

Kirsten Mikadze

Independence—Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [Word Document]


Karim Chebbi

Wrongdoing and Fraud Risks (November 2014)—Under revision

Strategic Plan in Relation to Fraud—2017–19

Information technology

Auditors who need to consult on matters related to information technology should send a detailed description of the matter to who will send it to the right party.

Other references

There is also guidance available in the following areas:

Guidance for use as reference material. Content may not be current. Use with caution.

Internal specialist area Guidance


Accountability Guide (2004)

Grants and contributions

Voted Grants and Contributions (June 2012)

Information technology

Auditing Information Management and Information Technology Guidance (May 2014)

Special Examination Risk Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems [Word Document]