102 Using the Annual Audit Manual

In This Section



This topic explains:

  • How to navigate, and use the functionality within, the Annual Audit Manual


OAG Guidance

The Annual Audit Manual is the major reference source for our audit approach and its supporting working practices. It has been designed for use by all members of the engagement team and is easy to use and navigate.

The Annual Audit Manual also includes detailed guidance on OAG policies and procedures concerning the Office’s System of Quality Control (SoQC).

Useful Tools

Glossary—Various terms used throughout the Annual Audit Manual have specific meanings and such terms have been summarized in the Glossary to the audit manual.

Links—Throughout the Annual Audit Manual, links are provided to other related guidance, either as CAS references i.e., CAS 230.9, or Annual Audit Manual references i.e., OAG Audit 1171. Clicking on any link will take you to that related material in the Annual Audit Manual.

Help Feature

There is a search function in the top right corner of the navigation pane on the left of the screen. This search function helps perform a full-text search. This function will display those pages with the search word in the content. Clicking on any of the links in the search results will take you to that topic of the audit manual.

Related Guidance:

See OAG Audit 101 for further guidance on the structure and layout of the Annual Audit Manual content.