Annual Audit Manual
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2013 Using the audit working paper software for project management
In This Section
Procedure status and sign-off status
This topic explains:
- Procedure Status views, Sign-off Status views and icons available in the audit working paper software
Procedure status and sign-off status
OAG Guidance
Each procedure in the audit working paper software can be assigned to an individual to perform. This is done using the Assign field within each procedure.
Once each procedure is assigned to an individual, monitoring the progress of work in the audit working paper software can be done using the Procedure Status view and the Sign-off Status view. The Procedure Status view and the Sign-off Status view enable the viewing and tracking of the tasks of all the team members on the engagement and can be used to facilitate the efficient completion of the audit. The Procedure Status view and the Sign-off Status view are under the Go To option in the top menu bar. When using the view By State, By Assignee, the reviewer can see which procedures have been prepared and are available for review. When using the view By State: All, the team member can also see the current status of all procedures.
The audit working paper software uses six major status icons: Not Started, In Progress, Prepared, Reviewed, Edited since Review, and Added since Freeze. Refer to these procedure status icons to easily identify the status of procedures.
Related Guidance:
See OAG Audit 3061 for guidance on assigning and re-assigning tasks.
See OAG Audit 3071 for guidance on review of audit work and documentation.