Performance Audit—Exhibit 4—Roadmap to the OAG performance audit process

This table shows the various critical steps in each phase of the performance audit process, the audit work involved, and the key deliverables that result. The numbers appearing in the audit work steps represent sections in the Direct Engagement manual.

Critical steps

Audit work

Key deliverables


Notifying and understanding the entity

  1. Initiate audit, notify the entity, and obtain response [2030]
  2. Gain an understanding of the entity and subject matter [4010]
  3. Begin the consultation with internal specialists [3081, 3082]

Letter of Notification and
Solicitor-Client Privilege

Risk-based planning

  1. Assess risks and understand internal controls relevant to the audit [4020, 4025]

Engagement risk assessment

Functional risk identification

Risk and control assessment

Obtaining input from the Auditor General

  1. Meet with the Auditor General to brief on the risks that led to the audit proposal, the audit scope, and approach [2040]

Developing the audit strategy

  1. Develop the audit logic matrix [4041, 4042, 4043, 4044]
  2. Hold advisory committee meeting as necessary and meet with AG [2040, 2050]
  3. Finalize the audit logic matrix and develop audit programs [4044, 4015, 4070]

Audit logic matrix

Audit programs

Presenting the audit objectives, scope, and criteria

  1. Prepare the audit plan summary with final audit objectives and criteria [4090]
  2. Submit the audit plan summary to the entity to seek formal acknowledgement [4090]

Audit plan summary

Obtaining examination approval
  1. Obtain examination approval: confirm that the audit strategy, competencies of the team, and financial resources are appropriate for the completion of the audit within the set timelines [4080]
Examination approval sign-off


Conducting the examination and validating facts

  1. Gather and analyze audit evidence to complete audit programs [7021]
  2. Debrief the entity to validate facts in audit findings [7021]

Internal draft

Obtaining input from the Auditor General
  1. Meet with the Auditor General to discuss the structure and messages of the upcoming audit report [2040]

Drafting the report

  1. Prepare  the draft report [7030]

Obtaining input from advisers

  1. Hold advisory committee meeting, as necessary [2050]
  2. Assess the audit evidence—ensure there is sufficient appropriate evidence to support findings and conclusions [7021]


Issuing the principal’s draft

  1. Submit principal’s draft to entity and obtain comments, responses and written representation of information provided [8019]
  2. Notify third parties of any references to them, if any [8019, 8060]
  3. Incorporate entity comments and management responses [8020]

Principal’s draft

Report content approval
  1. Obtain report content approval: ensure sufficient appropriate evidence supports all findings, complete consultations and quality review, and ensure differences of opinion are resolved [8017]
Report content approval sign-offs
Obtaining input from the Auditor General
  1. Meet with the Auditor General to discuss the transmission draft [2040]

Issuing the transmission draft

  1. Send the transmission draft for DM sign-off [8019]

Transmission draft

Preparing for tabling

  1. Obtain final approval for publishing the audit report

Final approval sign-offs

Tabling the Report

  1. Table the report in the Report to Parliament [8090]

  2. Finalize the audit file [1171]

Auditor General’s report

Post-audit survey
  1. Submit the post-audit surveys [9081]
Post-audit survey
  1. Attend parliamentary committee hearings [9070]
