Methodology Update—Fall 2013 (for performance audits)

This update highlights changes to the Performance Audit methodology that will be in place in the fall 2013. It includes changes to the performance audit manual, TeamMate procedures, and templates.

Effective date: Immediately upon release.

Updates to TeamMate and Templates

Summary of Changes

A significant number of separate audit procedures in TeamMate have been merged, deleted or reorganized to make it more efficient—33 procedures were eliminated. The changes focus mainly on the following elements:

  • Centralization of various risk assessments (e.g. Audit Risk, Team Competency and Environment) under one subfolder (A.5), simplification of the process, and introduction of a new optional Entity Risk Assessment and template;
  • No more separate audit procedures used to document consultations made in the course of the audit (former Folder B);
  • New Significant Judgments subfolder (B.1) and template, to facilitate the documentation of significant decisions taken by the team during the course of the audit (e.g. change in objective after APS is submitted);
  • Flexibility not to have separate AG Briefing when the AG attends the Advisory Committee and changes made on the T-Minus schedule to reflect this;
  • Change in the process to prepare Main Points with Communications. The Main Points will be developed at the PX Draft stage only and no longer on the Internal Draft;
  • Changes made in the process of managing post-audit surveys (for performance audits only), now managed outside TeamMate and centralized (i.e. no longer managed by audit teams);
  • New categorization of audit procedures (e.g. procedures identified as “Optional,” or used to only provide “Instructions” or to get “Approval,” with clear explanations);
  • Deletion of audit procedures that were not strictly audit related (i.e. Performance Objectives and Staff Assessment) and that were not considered as necessary in the audit file (i.e. Key Contacts and OAG Liaison, Notification to Entities and Stakeholders; External Correspondence and Media); and
  • Updating of several templates and checklists (e.g. Assessment of Audit Risk; TeamMate Protocol; What to Expect presentation; Register of Audit Information Requested; Checklist for PX and AAG sign-off in TeamMate; Kick-Off Meeting Checklist; Audit Program and letter templates).

Refer to the Table of Changes to Performance Audit Procedures and Templates—November 2013 for a description of the nature and extent of changes.

Refer to Mapping of Changes made to TeamMate Structure and the Revised TeamMate Structure for a visual explanation of the changes made to the structure of TeamMate.

How This Affects YOU:

Audit teams with audit work currently under way

Continue using your current TeamMate file. Update your file to incorporate changes that are effective immediately, using the Table of Changes found in the link above.

  • Import relevant audit procedures, as needed using “Get Programs,” and replace sub-folders and/or audit procedures where work has not yet started.
  • Do not make changes to audit procedures that are already completed.
  • Save the Table of Changes in your TeamMate file under the new Significant Judgment subfolder OR your current Performance Audit Practice Team subfolder, and link to it as necessary.

Audit teams that have not yet created their TeamMate file (Spring 2015 or later)

As of 1 November, changes are incorporated into the new TeamStore for Performance Audits. See Table of Changes.

Updates to the Manual

Updates to the Performance Audit manual were made to reflect changes made in methodology, policies and processes, or to align with changes to TeamMate procedures and templates.

Highlights of changes:

  • (OAG Audit 1505)—Acquiring and Maintaining Knowledge of Business. This new section was created to provide guidance to teams on how to maintain knowledge and keep abreast of changes in their respective entities or sectors. This section of the manual describes the process which should be used to keep the strategic audit plans, related audit risks, and audit topics up-to-date.
  • (OAG Audit 4044)—Developing the audit strategy. Some elements of the guidance on audit logic matrix (ALM) that existed in various documents were integrated into this section of the manual. This will allow audit teams to directly access methodology material in the PA manual instead of separate guidance documents.
  • (OAG Audit 7060)—Substantiating the chapter. The guidance on substantiation that existed in several documents was integrated into this section to access it in the PA manual instead of separate guidance documents.
  • (OAG Audit 4013)—Identifying and assessing audit risk, and (OAG Audit 8080)—Final approval. Both sections were deleted to reduce redundancy with TeamMate content, and other tools and templates.
  • Other manual sections underwent editorial changes.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Performance Audit Practice Team, using the PAPT mailbox.