Preliminary Assessment of Environment and Sustainable Development Risks–Crown Corporations

Areas of Potential Risk



Land/ Infrastructure (includes contaminated sites
Emissions/ releases (1)
Emergencies/ incidents (2)
Consumption and alteration of natural resources (includes waste generation)
People and Communities (3)
Living Systems (Ecological Integrity)
Policy (Influence on Others (4)



H–denotes high level of risk

M–denotes medium level of risk

L–denotes low level of risk

Atlantic Pilotage Authority L L M-H L M-H M-H M M: Marine pilots face the challenge of navigating ships through some of Canada’s busiest and most challenging waters. The mandate of the corporation is to prevent incidents and ensure that the ships, crews, cargoes, and the environment are protected. The inherent risks associated with these activities are high. Pilots also face health and safety risks that need to be managed.
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. H H H H M-H M-H M H: Risks associated with nuclear research and development, isotope production, radioactive waste management, and decommissioning.
Business Development Bank of Canada M M L M L L H H: BDC’s risk stems from its financial and other support of Canadian entrepreneurs operating inside and outside Canada. It has nearly 29,000 clients, and divisions focusing on technology, R&D, life sciences, energy, and environment. Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risks are relevant for this large financial institution.
Canada Council for the Arts L L M L M L M M: As a funding institution, the Council has a significant amount of influence on the production of works in the arts, manages important funds and arrange and sponsor exhibitions.
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation L L L L+ M L M M: Although this is a small Crown corporation, it has a sizable investment portfolio
Canada Development Investment Corporation L M H M L L M M: Key risks for CDIV include its 8.5% equity stake in the Hibernia Development Project.
Canada Infrastructure Bank H M M M L M M M: CIB makes significant investments in large-scale infrastructure projects that support economic growth. While the Crown Corp wants to encourage green infrastructure investments, the projects built are likely to have significant environmental impacts.
Canada Lands Company Limited H M-H M M-H M M M H-: Various environmental risks associated with CLC’s activities. The corporation manages properties and buildings and develops surplus government lands which are often contaminated. Its holdings include the CN Tower, Old Port of Montreal and Downsview Park.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation L M L M L L H M: CMHC provides funding for construction projects related to housing and communities, which may have environmental impacts. It has a significant influence on others through its research and policy activities, as well as through its mortgage and insurance activities. With a workforce of 2000 employees, it also has a significant environmental footprint.
Canada Post M H M H M L M M: A large number of vehicles and buildings have a significant impact in terms of emissions and energy consumption. Other environmental risks have been identified but not quantified and are not addressed in a management plan.
Canadian Air Transport Safety Authority L M M L M L M M: Medium impacts overall, CATSA has to manage its equipment in accordance with federal safety codes and other requirements. It also needs to ensure appropriate disposal of confiscated items and decommissioned equipment. The corporation also needs to be prepared to respond to incidents and emergencies of various kinds.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation M-H M-H M H L-M L-M L M+: Impacts and resource consumption due to large number of facilities, fleet, equipment, and transmitters. It is a major generator of electronic waste.
Canadian Commercial Corporation L L L M L L M M: Some environmental risks associated with procurement services, but reduced rating from 2006 is based on CCC adopting a CSR strategy and the spirit and intent of the CEAA and regulations.
Canadian Dairy Commission L L M L M L M M: The Commission has a significant amount of influence on the milk and dairy products markets and producers’ revenues.
Canadian Museum of History M-H L-M M M L L L M: Environmental footprint associated with operation of two large national museums. Contamination at the museum site in Gatineau needs to be investigated and addressed by the corporation.
Canadian Museum of Human Rights M L M M L L L M: This corporation’s new museum building received a green building certification.
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 L M M M L L M M: This is a relatively small museum. Major renovation projects have just been completed.
Canadian Museum of Nature M L-M M M L M L-M M: Land stewardship practices were found to be deficient for this national museum dedicated to the natural world (special examination 2007).
Canadian Race Relations Foundation L L L L M L M M: The Foundation has significant influence as its mission is to contribute to the elimination of racism and racial discrimination in Canadian society.
Canadian Tourism Commission L L M L M L M M: Promoting increased tourism and travel in Canada could lead to increased greenhouse gas and other air emissions. Tourism activity in environmentally sensitive areas could have negative effects on living systems.
Defence Construction Canada M M M M M M M-H M: On behalf of National Defence, DCC is engaged in construction services, project management, environmental services and facilities management among other things.
Export Development Canada L M L M L L H M: Through its financing and insurance activities, EDC has a significant influence on the activities of Canadian manufacturers, exporters, and investors, and their impacts on the Canadian and global environment. Though they are taking actions to address these risks, and have increased their support for environmentally friendly clients, support for projects with potential for environmental damage is ongoing, as is EDC’s indirect risk. EDC is also taking actions to address its daily waste and emissions and reduce its own operational footprint.
Farm Credit Canada M M L M L L H H: FCC has a significant lending portfolio. It provides financing and other types of support to Canadian agricultural producers as well as agribusinesses such as suppliers and processers. There are a variety of environmental risks associated with this sector. The corporation has a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.
Federal Bridge Corporation Limited H M H H L H L H: FBCL has developed a plan to deal with its contaminated sites, but has yet to take remedial action. There are also risks arising from building and structural issues. The bridges are aging and FBCL is addressing maintenance, repair and replacement requirements. Replacement projects for a number of bridges represent imminent risks to living systems and people and communities. There is a potential for accidents on the bridges and relating to the bridges themselves.
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation M M M H M-H L M M+: The corporation purchases and processes large quantities of fish for domestic and foreign markets. The corporation faces various risks including aging infrastructure and ensuring food safety.
Great Lakes Pilotage Authority L L M-H L M-H M-H M M: Marine pilots face the challenge of navigating ships through some of Canada’s busiest and most challenging waters. The mandate of the corporation is to prevent incidents and ensure that the ships, crews, cargoes, and the environment are protected. The inherent risks associated with these activities are high. Pilots also face health and safety risks that need to be managed.
International Development Research Centre L L L L L L M M: Environment and sustainable development issues are a core program area.
Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. H L-M H H M M-H L H-: Various construction, rehabilitation and reinforcement projects on the infrastructure are being planned and undertaken by the corporation. These involve various environmental risks including impacts on local flora and fauna including aquatic species. The corporation must address historical contamination of its properties.
Laurentian Pilotage Authority L L M-H L M-H M-H M M: Marine pilots face the challenge of navigating ships through some of Canada’s busiest and most challenging waters. The mandate of the corporation is to prevent incidents and ensure that the ships, crews, cargoes, and the environment are protected. The inherent risks associated with these activities are high. Pilots also face health and safety risks that need to be managed.
Marine Atlantic Inc. M M-H M-H M- M-H L-M L M+: There are a variety of environmental and safety risks associated with operation of a ferry service between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
National Arts Centre M L M M L L L M-: The NAC has an aging building. Major renovations planned.
National Capital Commission M-H M L-M M-H M M-H L M+: Land and property management; protected areas; remediation of contaminated land; protection of heritage; heavy engagement in projects.
National Gallery of Canada L M M M M L M M: Key risks include effects on employee health and safety and the environment associated with use of hazardous chemicals for conservation of the collection.
National Museum of Science and Technology M M M M M L L M: Issues with contaminated sites, and hazardous chemicals for conservation and preservation. A new museum complex is also in the planning stages. Environmental management procedures exist but are not consolidated with proper roles and responsibilities identified and implemented.
PPP Canada Inc. L L L L L L M M: The corporation’s key area of risk is delivery of the P3 Canada Fund which supports projects.
Pacific Pilotage Authority L L M L M L H M: PPA’s operations do not in and of themselves present significant environmental impacts. However, its operations can pose significant environmental risks due to the freight passing through Pacific waters (potential accidents).
Public Sector Pension Investment Board L L L L+ L L H M: PSP Investments’ daily operations may have a significant environmental footprint. With $46 billion in assets, they have a significant influence on the impacts of the companies in which they invest. They have a Responsible Investment Policy which is directed at minimizing the financial risks posed by investments with potential environmental risks, more than minimizing environmental impacts.
Ridley Terminals Inc. M M M-H L M M L M: RTI deals with large amounts of toxic commodities that represent potentially significant environmental risks. Despite effective policies and ISO-certified EMS, 2010 saw an unexpected release of coal into the marine environment. Liabilities on the land are unclear. Large machinery and infrastructure also represent a potential risk.
Royal Canadian Mint M H H H M-H L+ M+1 H: The corporation’s refining speciality coin and currency production activities generate pollutants and large quantities of hazardous waste. Accidental releases of chemicals in Ottawa are not uncommon. Major quantities of metals and other materials are consumed. CSR-related risks include supply chain risks associated with ore and metal procurement.
Standards Council of Canada L L L L M M M M: Through standards development, the Council has significant influence advancing national economy, supporting sustainable development that benefits the health, safety and welfare of workers and the public, as described in its mandate.
Telefilm Canada L L M L M L M

M: Relatively small corporation. Primary activity is providing funding to support film production. Indirect risks associated with support for film production activities that may pose environmental risks.

No indication that environmental concerns are incorporated into the decision criteria.

Via Rail Canada Inc. H M-H H H M-H M L-M H-: The corporation operates over 150 train stations across Canada. Its daily operations consume resources and generate GHG emissions and large volumes of waste. There are various environmental and health and safety risks associated with the corporation’s four maintenance centres. There are also risks associated with spills, leaks, fires and other incidents/emergencies.
Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority M L M M M M L M: Environmental and health and safety risks need to be managed during the design, planning and construction of the new Windsor-Detroit bridge crossing. It is expected to open by 2020. This risk rating does not reflect risks during operations.

*Note: Policy on consultation with the Internal Specialist - Environment and Sustainable Development during the planning phase of a special examination

Consultation with the Internal Specialist is mandatory in cases where a Crown has been deemed to have either a "Medium" or "High" level of risk overall.  In these cases, the audit team must fill-out the FRIT and consult with the Internal Specialist to discuss consideration of environmental and sustainable development risks during the planning phase, and the nature and extent of any ESD audit work to be completed as part of a special examination.

(1) This risk area would include use and disposal of hazardous substances.

(2) This risk area includes fires as well as other types of emergency situations, including environmental emergencies (accidental spills, leaks, etc). In cases where a Crown corporation offers services to the public (e.g. museums, VIA Rail, etc.), the rating for emergencies would automatically be assessed at least a Medium level of risk.

(3) This area of risk would include risks to health and safety of employees.

(4) Given that external (indirect) environmental and other CSR risks may result from their core business activities, a rating of High or Medium in category 7 generally necessitates a High or Medium rating  overall.