IFRS Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) Published Agenda Decisions


IFRIC is the interpretative body of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), supporting the understanding and consistent application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Agenda decisions are published when IFRIC decides that a standard-setting project should not be added to the work plan. In many cases, agenda decisions include explanatory materials that help explain how the applicable principles and requirements in IFRSs apply to a specific transaction or fact pattern described in the agenda decision.


Agenda decisions can be a useful resource to consider when conducting research on specific subjects, as they provide explanatory material regarding how principles and requirements in IFRSs should be applied to specific circumstances. Since the explanatory material within agenda decisions derive their authority from IFRSs themselves, entities are required to reflect that explanatory material when applying the IFRSs (subject to having sufficient time to implement the necessary accounting).

Listing of IFRSs with related IFRIC Agenda Decisions:

IFRS 2: Share-based payment
IFRS 3: Business combinations
IFRS 5: Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
IFRS 7: Financial Instruments: Disclosures
IFRS 9: Financial instruments
IFRS 10: Consolidated financial statements
IFRS 11: Joint arrangements
IFRS 12: Disclosure of interest in other entities
IFRS 13: Fair value measurement
IFRS 15: Revenue from contracts with customers
IFRS 16: Leases
IFRS 17: Insurance contracts
IAS 1: Presentation of financial statements
IAS 2: Inventories
IAS 7: Statement of cash flows
IAS 8: Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
IAS 10: Events after the reporting period
IAS 12: Income taxes
IAS 16: Property, plant and equipment
IAS 19: Employee benefits
IAS 20: Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
IAS 21: The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
IAS 23: Borrowing costs
IAS 24: Related party disclosures
IAS 26: Accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans
IAS 27: Separate financial statements
IAS 28: Investments in associates and joint ventures
IAS 29: Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies
IAS 32: Financial instruments: presentation
IAS 33: Earnings per share
IAS 34: Interim financial reporting
IAS 36: Impairment of assets
IAS 37: Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
IAS 38: Intangible assets
IAS 39: Financial instruments: recognition and measurement
IFRIC 12: Service concession arrangements
IFRIC 14: IAS 19 – The limit on a defined benefit asset, minimum funding requirements and their interaction
IFRIC 21: Levies

IFRIC Agenda Decisions

This information includes IFRIC agenda decisions issued up to and including 27 April 2023. For the most recent agenda decisions, please consult the AGENDA DECISIONS tab on the IFRIC page of the IFRS website.

Standards Issue Date Agenda decision Short description
IFRS 2 2022-10-24 Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC): Accounting for Warrants at Acquisition

Discusses additional guidance required for warrant on obtaining special purpose acquisition companies.

2014-07-01 Difference between institutional offer price and retail offer price in an initial public offering (IFRS 2) Discusses whether a transaction in which there is price difference between the institutional offer price and the retail offer price in an IPO is in scope of IFRS 2.
2013-05-01 Timing of the recognition of intercompany recharges (IFRS 2) Discusses how to account for intercompany recharge transactions.
2013-03-01 Reverse acquisitions that do not constitute a business Accounting for reverse acquisitions.
2010-01-01 Transactions in which the manner of settlement is contingent on future events Discusses the impact on classification on measurement when the manner of settlement is contingent on either a future event outside the control of the entity and counterparty or within the control of the counterparty.
2006-11-01 Incremental fair value to employees as a result of unexpected capital restructurings Discusses how an unanticipated capital restructuring impacts the incremental fair value of a share-based payment.
2006-11-01 Fair value measurement of post-vesting transfer restrictions Discusses whether an approach based primarily on an actual or synthetic market was consistent with the requirement in IFRS 2.
2006-11-01 Employee benefit trusts in the separate financial statements of the sponsor Discusses how special purpose entities established to facilitate the transfer of equity instruments to employees under a share-based payment arrangement should be accounted for in separate financial statements.
2006-05-01 Share plans with cash alternatives at the discretion of the entity Discusses whether an employee share plan for which the employer has the choice to settle in cash or shares should be accounted for as share-based payment.
2006-05-01 Share plans with cash alternatives at the discretion of employees Discusses what is the appropriate grant date and vesting period when an employee share plan gives employees the choice of receiving cash at one date or shares at a later date.
2005-11-01 Employee share loan plans Discusses whether an employee loan plan should be considered part of a share-based payment, with the entire arrangement accounted for as an option or whether the loan plan should instead be accounted for a separate financial asset.
IFRS 3 2022-10-24 Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC): Accounting for Warrants at Acquisition

Discusses additional guidance required for warrant on obtaining special purpose acquisition companies.

2017-11-30 Acquisition of a group of assets Allocating the transaction price to identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed for a group of assets that does not constitute a business.
2017-03-01 Deferred taxes when acquiring a single asset entity that is not a business Discusses whether IAS 12 permits an entity to recognize a deferred tax liability when it acquires all the shares of another entity in an acquisition that is not a business combination.
2016-01-01 Remeasurement of previously held interests Discusses whether previously held interests in a joint operation should be remeasured when the asset or group of assets involved do not meet the definition of a business.
2014-05-01 Identification of acquirer and parent in stapling arrangements Provides clarification on whether an acquirer is a parent for the purpose of IFRS 10 in circumstances in which a business combination is achieved by contract alone, with no combining entity obtaining control of the other combining entities.
2013-03-01 Reverse acquisitions that do not constitute a business Accounting for reverse acquisitions.
2013-01-01 Contingent payments to shareholders and continuing employment Discusses whether IFRS 3.B55(a) conclusively determines that forfeited payments to an employee on termination are remuneration for post-combination services rather than being considered part of the acquisition consideration.
2011-09-01 Acquirer in a reverse acquisition Discusses whether a business that is not a legal entity can be considered an acquirer in a reverse acquisition.
2011-09-01 Newly formed entities - business combinations under common control Addresses a specific common control transaction in which a business is transferred from one entity to another while both entities are wholly owned by the same shareholder.
2011-09-01 Newly formed entities - factors affecting the identification of the acquirer Providing additional guidance on relevant factors when identifying an acquirer in a business combination under IFRS 3.
2010-01-01 Presentation of comparatives when applying the ‘pooling of interests’ method

For entities under common control when applying the ‘pooling of interests’ method, discusses how to present comparatives.

2009-07-01 Earlier application of revised IFRS 3 Discusses whether IFRS 3 must be applied at the beginning of an annual period if it is early adopted.
2009-07-01 Acquisition related costs in a business combination Clarifying the treatment of acquisition-related costs in a business combination.
2009-03-01 Customer-related intangible assets Accounting for non-contractual customer relationships that arise in a business combination.
2006-11-01 Contingent consideration—puts or forwards received by minority (non-controlling) interests Distinguishing between contingent or deferred consideration in a business combination.
2006-03-01 ‘Transitory’ Common Control Determining whether a reorganization involving the formation of a new entity designed to facilitate the sale of part of an organisation is a business combination in scope of IFRS 3.
IFRS 5 2016-01-01 To what extent can an impairment loss be allocated to non-current assets within a disposal group? Provides clarification on measurement requirements in IFRS 5.
2016-01-01 How to present intragroup transactions between continuing and discontinued operations Clarifies the presentation requirements of intragroup transactions between continuing and discontinued operations.
2016-01-01 Scope, measurement and presentation issues Provides guidance on a number of scope, measurement and presentation issues related to the application of IFRS 5.
2013-09-01 Classification in a planned but not yet approved IPO Discusses whether a non-current asset (or disposal group) can be classified as held for sale if a disposal plan is intended to be achieved by an IPO but the prospectus is not yet approved by the securities regulator.
IFRS 7 2020-12-14 Supply Chain Financing Arrangements—Reverse Factoring Discusses how an entity should present liabilities to pay for goods or services when the invoices are subject to a reverse factoring agreement and what information should be disclosed.
IFRS 9 2022-10-24 Lessor Forgiveness of Lease Payments Provides guidance on a lessor’s application of IFRS 9 and IFRS 16 related to a particular rent concession.
2022-03-28 TLTRO III Transactions—IFRS 9 and IAS 20 Discusses various issues related to whether IFRS 9 and IAS 20 apply to targeted longer-term refinancing operations of the European Central Bank.
2021-05-24 Hedging Variability in Cash Flows due to Real Interest Rates Provides guidance on the application of hedge accounting requirements in IFRS 9 when the risk management objective is to “fix” the cash flows in real terms.
2019-09-25 Fair Value Hedge of Foreign Currency Risk on Non-Financial Assets Provides guidance on determining whether foreign currency risk can be a separately identifiable and reliably measurable risk component of a non-financial asset such that an entity can designate the hedged item in a fair value hedge.
2019-03-15 Physical Settlement of Contracts to Buy or Sell a Non-financial Item Provides clarity on the physical settlement of contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item in the future at a fixed price.
2019-03-15 Application of the Highly Probable Requirement when a Specific Derivative is Designated as a Hedging Instrument Provides guidance on how to apply the ‘highly probable” requirement when the notional amount of a derivative designated as a hedging instrument varies depending on the outcome of the hedged item.
2019-03-15 Curing of a Credit-impaired Financial Asset Provides guidance on how to present amounts in the statement of profit or loss when a credit-impaired financial asset is subsequently paid in full or no longer impaired (i.e. cured).
2019-03-15 Credit Enhancement in the Measurement of Expected Credit Losses Provides guidance on whether cash flows expected from credit enhancements, such as a financial guarantee contract, can be included in the measurement of expected credit losses if the credit enhancement is required to be recognized separately.
2019-01-22 Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost: Step acquisition Considers whether the entity should determine the cost of its investment in a subsidiary as the sum of fair value as deemed cash approach or accumulated cost approach.
2019-01-22 Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost: Partial disposal Discusses whether an investment retained is eligible for the election that permits the holder of particular investments in equity instruments to present subsequent changes in fair value in other comprehensive income and whether the entity presents the investment in profit or loss or OCI any difference between the cost and the fair value on the date of losing control of the investee.
2018-09-24 Classification of a particular type of dual currency bond Provides guidance on how to classify a ‘dual currency bond’ with a par amount denominated in one currency and fixed interest coupon payments denominated in a different currency.
2018-03-13 Presentation of interest revenue for particular financial instruments Provides guidance on whether the consequential amendment requiring an entity to present separately, in the profit or loss section of the statement of comprehensive income or in the statement of profit or loss, interest revenue calculated using the effective interest method affects the presentation of fair value gains and losses on derivative instruments that are not part of a designated and effective hedging relationship.
2017-09-25 Financial assets eligible for the election to present changes in fair value in other comprehensive income Provides guidance on whether particular financial instruments are eligible for the presentation election in IFRS permitting the holder of particular investments in equity instruments to present subsequent changes in fair value in other comprehensive income, rather than in profit or loss.
2017-06-14 Centrally cleared client derivatives (IFRS 9) Discusses how to account for centrally cleared client derivative contracts from clearing member’s perspective.
2017-03-01 Commodity loans Discusses the accounting for a commodity loan transaction and whether an entity that borrows and then lends the commodity recognizes both an asset and a liability.
2016-05-01 Derecognition of modified financial assets Considers a situation where a modification or exchange of financial assets results in derecognition of the original asset.
2016-03-21 Determining hedge effectiveness for net investment hedges Addresses whether, when accounting for net investment hedges, the ‘lower of’ test required for cash flow hedges should be applied in determining the effective portion of the gains or losses arising from the hedging instrument.
2016-01-01 Separation of an embedded floor from a floating rate host contract (IAS 39)

Discusses when there is a negative interest rate situation should the entity establish an embedded interest rate floor in a floating rate host debt contract.

2016-01-01 Transition issues relating to hedging Discusses two IFRS 9 transition issues: 1) Whether an entity can treat a hedging relationship as a continuing hedging relationship if the entity changes the hedged item from an entire non-financial item to a component of the non-financial item; and 2) Whether an entity can continue with its original hedge designation of the entire non-financial item when the entity’s risk management objective is to hedge only a component of the non-financial item.
2015-01-01 Accounting for embedded foreign currency derivatives in host contracts (IAS 39) Discusses how to account for an embedded foreign currency derivative where the same currency is used in both the licence agreement and the contract.
2014-05-01 Mandatorily convertible financial instruments (IAS 32)

How to account for a mandatorily convertible financial instrument when at maturity, the issuer must deliver a number of its own equity instruments with a minimum and maximum amounts set to equal a fixed cash amount.

2012-11-01 Effective interest rate on initial recognition of new Greek government bonds Discusses several accounting issues related to the restructuring of Greek government bonds.
2012-09-01 Derecognition of financial instruments upon modification (IAS 39) Discusses several accounting issues related to the restructuring of Greek government bonds.
2010-03-01 Unit of account for forward contracts with volumetric optionality

Discusses whether this transaction is two separate transactions where an entity is required to sell a non-financial item, easily convertible to cash at a fixed price and predetermined number of units but also allows the buyer to purchase additional predetermined units at a fixed price.

2009-05-01 Participation rights and calculation of the effective interest rate

Discusses when the holder of an instrument shares in the net income and losses of the issuer, how the issuer should account for the participation rights within the financial liability. Losses are added to the value and repaid on maturity. Losses can be offset by profits.

2009-03-01 Derecognition – groups of financial assets and transfers of financial assets

Discusses how groups of financial assets would undergo the derecognition tests in IAS 39. Also discusses when a transfer of a financial asset would undergo the pass-through tests in IAS 39.

2008-07-01 Effective interest rate method when cash flows are linked to inflation

The changes in an inflation index are directly related to a financial instruments cash flow, discusses how to apply the effective interest rate method.

2007-07-01 Gaming transactions—wagers received Discusses how wagers received by gaming institutions should be accounted for.
2007-03-01 Written options in a retail energy contracts Discusses what is meant by a written option in the context of an energy supply contract to retail customers.
2007-01-01 Short trading Discusses whether entities are permitted to choose whether short sales are accounted for using trade date or settlement date account (i.e. eligible for regular way exceptions).
2007-01-01 Definition of a derivative indexation on own EBITDA or own revenue Discusses how to account for a contract that is indexed to an entity’s own revenue or earnings and whether it contains a derivative or not.
2006-11-01 Changes in the contractual terms of an existing equity instrument resulting in it being reclassified to financial liability

Discusses when a contract amendment results in an equity instrument being reclassified as a financial liability, how should the liability be measured and how are any carrying amount differences in the equity instrument and the financial liability accounted for.

2005-11-01 Retention of servicing rights Discusses whether when transferring a financial asset does the retention of servicing rights of the entity cause the transfer to fail the requirements in paragraph 18 (a) of IAS 39.
2005-11-01 Revolving structures – pass through requirements

Discusses whether the requirements in the now paragraph 3.2.5(c) of IFRS 9 are met for ‘revolving’ structures.

2005-08-01 Meaning of delivery Discusses the meaning of delivery in the context of the ‘own purchase, sale or usage requirements’ scope exemption in IFRS 9.2.4.
2002-08-01 Own shares that are held for trading purposes

Discusses whether an entity that holds their own shares for trading purposes measure them at fair value so that the income statement can reflect the change in value.

IFRS 10 2017-03-01 Investment entities and subsidiaries Addresses various issues related to investment entities, including whether an entity qualifies as an investment entity, impact of outsourcing investment management services, the extent to which an entity can provide investment-related services itself or through a third party, and whether a subsidiary provides services relating to a parent investment entity’s investment activities if it does so by holding an investment portfolio as a beneficial owner.
2016-07-01 Accounting for loss of control transactions Discusses whether an entity should remeasure its retained interest in the assets and liabilities of a joint operation when the entity loses control. In other words, does the entity either retain joint control or is it a party to a joint operation after the transaction.
2015-05-01 Single-asset, single-lessee lease vehicles Discusses various issues related to a structured entity that is created to lease a single asset to a single lessee.
2014-05-01 Identification of acquirer and parent in stapling arrangements Provides clarification on whether an acquirer is a parent for the purpose of IFRS 10 in circumstances in which a business combination is achieved by contract alone, with no combining entity obtaining control of the other combining entities.
2014-03-01 Investment Entities Amendments—the definition of investment-related services or activities Clarifies the definition of ‘investment-related services or activities’ for subsidiaries that act as intermediate holding companies established for ‘tax optimisation’ purposes.
2013-11-01 Classification of puttable instruments that are noncontrolling interests Provides guidance on the classification on consolidation of puttable instruments issued by a subsidiary that are not held, directly or indirectly, by the parent.
2013-11-01 Transition—impairment, foreign exchange and borrowing costs (IFRS 10 and IFRS 11) Discusses various transition issues related to impairment, foreign exchange and borrowing costs.
2013-09-01 Effect of protective rights on an assessment of control Provides guidance on whether the assessment of control should be reassessed when facts and circumstances change when previously determined protective rights change (for example upon the breach of a covenant in a borrowing arrangement that causes the borrower to be in default).
2013-01-01 Non-cash acquisition of a non-controlling interest by a controlling shareholder Discusses whether a reporting entity should recognize consideration in profit or loss or equity when they acquire a non-controlling interest and consideration includes non-cash items where there is a difference between fair value and carrying amount.
2010-01-01 Combined financial statements and redefining the reporting entity

Discusses when there are a group of entities under common control can a reporting entity pick and choose whether to include a selection of entities or not.

2009-07-01 Transaction costs for non-controlling interests

Transaction costs incurred due to activities of a non-controlling interest (NCI) and discusses how these costs should be treated.

2007-01-01 Financial Instruments puttable at an amount other than Fair Value

Discusses how to account for the puttable instruments in the financial statements of the holders, and whether the financial statements of the issuers and holder should be the same. Also discusses if consolidated financial statements are required if the subsidiary has no equity instruments in issue.

IFRS 11 2019-03-15 Sale of Output by a Joint Operator Provides guidance on whether a joint operator recognizes revenue based on the output arising from the joint operation or the output to which it is entitled, if different.
2019-03-15 Liabilities in relation to a Joint Operator’s Interest in a Joint Operation Provides clarity on the recognition of liabilities incurred in relation to an interest in a joint operation.
2016-07-01 Accounting for loss of control transactions Discusses whether an entity should remeasure its retained interest in the assets and liabilities of a joint operation when the entity loses control. In other words, does the entity either retain joint control or is it a party to a joint operation after the transaction.
2016-01-01 Remeasurement of previously held interests Discusses whether previously held interests in a joint operation should be remeasured when the asset or group of assets involved do not meet the definition of a business.
2015-03-01 Accounting by the joint operator in its separate financial statements Accounting by a joint operator for its share of assets and liabilities of a joint operation in its separate financial statements when that joint operation is structured through a separate vehicle.
2015-03-01 Recognition of revenue by a joint operator Discusses whether a joint operator should recognise revenue for its share of revenue in relation to output purchased from the joint operation by the parties.
2015-03-01 Accounting by the joint operation that is a separate vehicle in its financial statements Discusses whether a joint operation that is a separate vehicle should account for the same assets and liabilities that are recognized in both the consolidated and separate financial statement of the joint operator.
2015-03-01 Classification of joint arrangements: application of ‘other facts and circumstances’ Discusses ‘other facts and circumstances’ pertaining to four different cases and how they impact the classification of a joint arrangement.
2015-03-01 Classification of joint arrangements: the assessment of ‘other facts and circumstances’ Discusses whether the assessment of ‘other facts and circumstances’ should be undertaken with a view only towards whether those facts and circumstances create enforceable rights, or whether that assessment should also consider the design and purpose of the joint arrangement, the entity’s business needs and the entity’s past practices.
2015-03-01 Joint arrangements with similar features that are classified differently Considers the classification of two joint arrangements with similar features, apart from the fact that one is structured through a separate vehicle and the other is not, that are classified differently.
2015-03-01 Joint operator’s share of output purchased differs from its share of ownership interest Accounting treatment when the joint operator’s share of the output purchased differs from its share of ownership interest in the joint operation.
2013-11-01 Transition—impairment, foreign exchange and borrowing costs (IFRS 10 and IFRS 11) Discusses various transition issues related to impairment, foreign exchange and borrowing costs.
IFRS 12 2019-03-15 Liabilities in relation to a Joint Operator’s Interest in a Joint Operation Provides clarity on the recognition of liabilities incurred in relation to an interest in a joint operation.
2015-01-01 Disclosure of summarised financial information about material joint ventures or associates Clarifies the requirement in IFRS 12.21(b)(ii) requiring the disclosure of summarized financial information for material joint ventures or associates.
2015-01-01 Disclosures for a subsidiary with a material non-controlling interest Clarifies the disclosure requirements in IFRS 12.12(e)–(g) for a subsidiary with a material non-controlling interest.
IFRS 13 2015-01-01 The fair value hierarchy when third-party consensus prices are used Provides clarification on the application of the fair value hierarchy to fair value measurements based on prices received from third parties.
2008-05-01 Deposits on returnable containers Discuss when an entity has a program where the customer will receive a refund of their deposit if the customer returns one of the entity’s refundable containers and whether this obligation to refund is accounted for under IAS 37 or IAS 39.
IFRS 15 2022-05-30 Principal versus Agent: Software Reseller Provides guidance on determining whether a reseller of software licences is a principal or agent.
2020-03-03 Training Costs to Fulfil a Contract Discusses whether training costs incurred to fulfil a contract with a customer should be recognized as an asset or an expense.
2019-09-25 Compensation for Delays or Cancellations Addresses whether an entity should account for an obligation to compensate customers for delays or cancellations as either variable consideration in scope of IFRS 15 or by applying IAS 37, separately from its performance obligation to transfer a flight service to the customer.
2019-06-21 Costs to Fulfil a Contract Provides clarity regarding how costs to fulfill a contract should be recognized when an entity satisfies a performance obligation over time.
2019-03-15 Over Time Transfer of Constructed Good Considers whether an entity has a qualifying asset for which borrowing costs are required to be capitalized for construction of a residential multi-unit real estate development (building).
2019-01-22 Assessment of promised goods or services Discusses whether non-refundable upfront fees on an initial stock exchange listing charged near inception of a contract are a performance obligation or costs to set up a contract.
2018-03-30 Right to payment for performance completed to date Discusses the timing of revenue recognition (i.e. over time or at a point in time) when a real estate developer has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.
2018-03-18 Revenue recognition in a real estate contract Discusses whether an entity should recognize revenue over time in a real estate contract.
2018-03-18 Revenue recognition in a real estate contract that includes the transfer of land Provides guidance on identifying performance obligations and the revenue recognition in a real estate contract for the sale of land and a building to be constructed on the land.
IFRS 16 2023-04-27 Definition of a Lease – Substitution Rights Provides guidance on the level at which to evaluate whether a contract contains a lease (i.e. for each asset separately all assets combined) and how to assess whether a contract contains a lease when the supplier has certain substitution rights.
2022-10-24 Lessor Forgiveness of Lease Payments Accounting for a rent concession for which the only change to the lease contract is the lessor’s forgiveness of lease payments due under that contract.
2021-12-17 Economic Benefits from Use of a Windfarm Determining whether the definition of a lease is met when the retailer has the right to obtain substantially all the economic benefits from the use of a windfarm.
2021-10-29 Non-refundable Value Added Tax on Lease Payments Lessee accounting for non-refundable value added tax charged on lease payments.
2020-06-16 Sale and Leaseback with Variable Payments Describes how a right-of-use asset arising from a sale and leaseback should be measured when lease payments include variable payments, and thus determines the amount of any gain or loss recognized at the date of the transaction.
2020-01-22 Definition of a Lease—Decision-making Rights Determining whether the definition of a lease is met when the customer has the right to direct the use of a ship throughout the five-year term of a contract.
2019-11-26 Lease Term and Useful Life of Leasehold Improvements Determining the lease term of a cancellable or renewable, and whether the useful life of any related non-removable leasehold improvements is limited to the IFRS 16 lease term.
2019-09-25 Lessee’s Incremental Borrowing Rate Provides guidance on whether a lessee’s incremental borrowing rate is required to reflect the interest rate in a loan with similar terms to that of the lease.
2019-06-21 Subsurface Rights Discusses which standard (i.e. IFRS 16, IAS 38, or another standard) applies to a particular contract for subsurface rights where a pipeline operator obtains the right to place an oil pipeline in underground space for 20 years in exchange for consideration and the landowner retains the right to use the surface of the land above the pipeline.
IFRS 17 2022-10-24 Multi-currency Groups of Insurance Contracts Provides guidance on how an entity should account for insurance contracts with cash flows in more than one currency and specifically whether exchange rate risks should be considered when identifying portfolios of insurance contracts and how IAS 21 should be applied in measuring a multi-currency group of insurance contracts.
2022-07-21 Transfer of Insurance Coverage under a Group of Annuity Contracts Provides guidance on determining the amount of the contractual service margin to recognize in profit or loss in a period because of the transfer of insurance coverage for a group of annuity contracts.
IAS 1 2020-12-14 Supply Chain Financing Arrangements—Reverse Factoring Provides guidance on how to present liabilities to pay for goods or services received when the related invoices are part of a reverse factoring arrangement and what information is required to be disclosed.
2019-09-25 Presentation of Liabilities or Assets Related to Uncertain Tax Treatments Discusses whether an entity can present liabilities related to uncertain tax treatments within other financial statement line items such as provisions.
2018-03-13 Presentation of interest revenue for particular financial instruments Provides guidance on whether the consequential amendment to IAS 1.82(a) affects the presentation of fair value gains and losses on derivative instruments that are not part of a designated and effective hedging relationship (applying hedge accounting).
2015-01-01 Presentation of income and expenses arising on financial instruments with a negative yield Discusses how to present interest income and expense arising on financial instruments that result from a negative effective interest rate.
2014-07-01 Disclosure requirements relating to assessment of going concern Clarifies whether disclosure of a significant judgment is required if there is significant judgment involved in concluding that there is no material uncertainty related to an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
2014-05-01 Presentation requirements Discusses whether definitions and implementation guidance should be added to address various presentation issues, including: presentation of expenses by function, presentation of additional line items, headings, and subtotals, presentation of additional statements or columns in primary financial statements, and application of the materiality and aggregation requirements.
2013-11-01 Actuarial assumptions: discount rate Discusses whether corporate bonds with a rating lower than ‘AA’ can be considered a “high quality corporate bond” if the number of corporate bonds rated ‘AAA’ or ‘AA’ has decreased.
2012-07-01 Presentation of payments on non-income taxes Clarifies the presentation of production-based royalty payments made to one taxation authority and claimed as an allowance against taxable profit in another tax jurisdiction. Specifically whether those payments (which could be viewed as a prepayment of income tax payable) should be presented as an operating or tax expense in the statement of comprehensive income.
2010-11-01 Current /non-current classification of a callable term loan Addresses whether a liability should be classified as current or non-current when it is not scheduled for repayment within twelve months after the reporting period, but may be callable by the lender at any time without cause.
2010-07-01 Going concern disclosure Provides guidance on the disclosure requirements in IAS 1.25 requiring an entity to disclose material uncertainties related to an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
2005-06-01 Comparative information for prospectuses Considers whether to amend IAS 1.36 for comparative information due to practical problems arising from EU requirements for prospectuses.
2005-06-01 Current or non-current asset classification – normal operating cycle Addresses the classification of current and non-current assets in relation to an entity’s normal operating cycle and whether that requirement is applicable only if the entity has a predominant operating cycle.
IAS 2 2021-06-25 Costs Necessary to Sell Inventories Describes what costs an entity should include when determining the estimated costs necessary to make a sale.
2019-06-21 Holdings of Cryptocurrencies Discusses which IFRS standards apply to cryptocurrencies with specific characteristics.
2017-03-01 Commodity loans Discusses the accounting for a commodity loan transaction and whether an entity that borrows and then lends the commodity recognizes both an asset and a liability.
2015-11-01 Prepayments in long-term supply contract Discusses the application of IAS 2 to prepayments in long-term supply contracts where the purchaser agrees to make significant prepayments to the supplier.
2014-11-01 Core inventories Discusses whether core inventories which consist of a minimum amount of inventory necessary to operate and maintain future production, that cannot be physically separated from other inventories and that can be removed only when the production facility is decommissioned would be in scope of IAS 16 or IAS 2.
2004-11-01 Discounts and rebates Discusses three specific questions dealing with discounts and rebates and how they should be accounted for under IAS 2.
2004-03-01 Consumption of inventories by a service organisation Discusses how net realizable value should be assessed in circumstances where a public sector service entity consumes the inventory as part of the service it provides.
2002-08-01 Inventories—cash discounts Considers how cash discounts received should be accounted for by the purchaser.
IAS 7 2022-04-28 Demand Deposits with Restrictions on Use arising from a Contract with a Third Party Discusses how external restrictions on use impact the classification of demand deposits in the statement of financial position and statement of cash flows.
2020-12-14 Supply Chain Financing Arrangements—Reverse Factoring Discusses reverse factoring arrangements and specifically how liabilities to pay for goods or services received should be presented and what information should be disclosed in the financial statements.
2019-09-25 Disclosure of Changes in Liabilities Arising from Financing Activities Discusses whether the disclosure requirements in IAS 7.44B-E are sufficient to meet the objective in paragraph 44A.
2018-06-12 Classification of short-term loans and credit facilities Discusses whether various types of short-term borrowings could be classified as a component of cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows.
2013-05-01 Identification of cash equivalents - financial assets Discusses whether investments should be classified based on the remaining term to maturity rather than the original term to maturity.
2009-07-01 Identification of cash equivalents – investments in shares or units of money market funds redeemable at any time Discusses whether investments in shares or units of money market funds that can be redeemed at any time can be classified as cash equivalents.
2008-03-01 Classification of expenditures not recognised as assets Provides guidance on whether expenditures that are not recognized as assets in the statement of cash flows can be classified as investing activities or whether they should instead of classified as operating activities.  IAS 7 was subsequently amended to explicitly state that investing activities only include expenditures that result in a recognized asset.
2005-08-01 Reporting cash flows inclusive or exclusive of value added tax Considers whether cash flows should be measured by including or excluding value added tax (VAT), concluding that disclosure of this information should be made to comply with IAS 1.
IAS 8 2019-01-22 Deposits relating to taxes other than income tax Discusses how to account for deposits relating to taxes other than income tax when an entity makes a deposit with a tax authority to be either refunded to the entity or kept by the tax authority depending on the outcome of a dispute.
2018-01-19 Contributing property, plant and equipment to an associate

An entity provides property, plant and equipment (PPE) to a brand new subsidiary in exchange for shares. Discusses how to recognize this transaction.

2011-03-01 Application of hierarchy Discusses whether an entity can pick and choose the requirements to adopt when applying an IFRS standard by analogy.
2004-10-01 Impracticability—Transition issues under IFRS 1 Considers whether first time adopters can use the ‘impracticability’ exception under IAS 8.
IAS 10 2021-06-25 Preparation of Financial Statements when an Entity is No Longer a Going Concern Discusses two scenarios related to presentation in comparative periods when an entity is no longer considered a going concern.
2013-05-01 Reissuing previously issued Financial Statements Discusses the implications of applying IAS 10 when securities laws and regulatory practices require an entity to reissue its previously issued financial statements in connection with an offering document.
IAS 12 2020-06-16 Deferred Tax related to an Investment in a Subsidiary Discusses whether a deferred tax liability is required to be recognized in consolidated financial statements for taxable temporary differences related to an entity’s investment in a subsidiary.
2020-04-29 Multiple Tax Consequences of Recovering an Asset Discusses how an entity should determine the tax base of an asset that gives rise to multiple tax consequences and, how the resulting deferred tax is recognized and measured.
2019-09-25 Presentation of Liabilities or Assets Related to Uncertain Tax Treatments Discusses whether an entity can present liabilities related to uncertain tax treatments within other financial statement line items such as provisions.
2017-09-25 Interest and penalties related to income taxes Discusses various issues related to interest and penalties which are not specifically addressed in IFRS standards.
2017-03-01 Recognition of deferred taxes when acquiring a single-asset entity that is not a business Discusses whether IAS 12 permits an entity to recognize a deferred tax liability when it acquires all the shares of another entity in an acquisition that is not a business combination.
2016-11-01 Expected manner of recovery of intangible assets with indefinite useful lives Clarifies how an entity should measure deferred tax for an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life and how the expected manner of recovery is determined for such an asset.
2016-01-01 Recognition of deferred taxes for the effect of exchange rate changes Discusses whether deferred taxes resulting from exchange rate changes on the tax bases of an entity’s non-monetary assets and liabilities should be recognized through profit or loss when the tax base currency that is different from the entity’s functional currency.
2015-03-01 Selection of applicable tax rate for the measurement of deferred tax relating to an investment in an associate Clarifies how the applicable tax rate should be selected in the measurement of deferred tax for an investment in a multi-tax rate jurisdiction.
2014-07-01 Recognition of current income tax on uncertain tax position Clarifies which standard applies (i.e. IAS 12 or IAS 37) to the recognition of a tax asset when an entity is required to make an immediate payment following a tax examination even if the entity intends to appeal the ruling. In this situation, it is uncertain whether the entity will recover all or some of the additional amount paid.
2014-07-01 Recognition of deferred tax for a single asset in a corporate wrapper Clarifies how to account for deferred tax when a subsidiary has a single asset within it and the parent expects to recover the carrying amount of that asset by selling its shares in the subsidiary.
2014-05-01 Impact of an internal reorganisation on deferred tax amounts related to goodwill Provides guidance on calculating deferred tax after an entity undergoes an internal reorganization.
2014-05-01 Recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets when an entity is loss making Discusses the application of IAS 12 to the recognition and measurement of deferred tax assets when an entity incurs losses and tax laws limit the extent to which losses can be carried forward.
2012-07-01 Presentation of payments on non-income taxes Clarifies the presentation of production-based royalty payments made to one taxation authority and claimed as an allowance against taxable profit in another tax jurisdiction. Specifically whether those payments (which could be viewed as a prepayment of income tax payable) should be presented as an operating or tax expense in the statement of comprehensive income.
2012-07-01 Market value uplifts introduced in a new income tax regime Discusses the accounting for market value uplifts when determining an asset’s tax base, as defined in IAS 12.5.
2011-11-01 Rebuttable presumption to determine the manner of recovery Discusses whether the presumption in IAS 12.51C can be rebutted in cases other than the one described in this paragraph.
2009-05-01 Classification of tonnage taxes Considers whether a tax based on tonnage capacity meets the definition of income tax in IAS 12.
2007-07-01 Deferred tax arising from unremitted foreign earnings Considers whether temporary differences that arise because foreign income is not taxable unless remitted to an entity’s home jurisdiction give rise to a deferred tax liability.
2006-03-01 Scope (IAS 12) Considers whether guidance on which taxes are in scope of IAS 12 should be provided since not all taxes are within scope of this standard.
2005-11-01 Single asset entities Considers whether the expected manner of recovery of an asset in a single asset entity should ever reflect disposal of the entity rather than the asset itself.
2005-06-01 Carryforward of unused tax losses and tax credits Considers whether the probability criterion in IAS 12.34 should be applied to the total amount of unused tax losses or unused tax credits or to portions of the total amount.
2004-06-01 Discounting current tax payables and classification of interest and penalties Considers whether discounting is appropriate when an agreement permits the entity to pay taxes over a period greater than twelve months and the classification of interest and penalties arising from unpaid tax obligations.
2002-02-01 Taxes—effective rates Discusses the tax rate used to measure deferred tax assets and liabilities for entities with low effective tax rates.
IAS 16 2019-11-26 Lease Term and Useful Life of Leasehold Improvements Determining the lease term of a cancellable or renewable lease, and whether the useful life of any related non-removable leasehold improvements is limited to the IFRS 16 lease term.
2016-03-01 Variable payments for asset purchases Discusses the timing of recognition of variable payments made for the purchase of property, plant and equipment or an intangible asset that depend either on an entity’s future activity or not.
2014-11-01 Core inventories Discusses whether core inventories which consist of a minimum amount of inventory necessary to operate and maintain future production, that cannot be physically separated from other inventories and that can be removed only when the production facility is decommissioned would be in scope of IAS 16 or IAS 2.
2014-05-01 Disclosure of carrying amounts under the cost model Discusses whether the disclosure of capitalized borrowing costs is required if an entity uses the revaluation model to account for its property, plant and equipment.
2011-07-01 Sales proceeds from testing an asset Discusses whether the proceeds from plants already in commercial production can be offset against costs of testing plants that are not yet in commercial production when there is a regulation requiring an entity to identify a ‘commercial production date’ for a whole industrial complex.
2009-05-01 Disclosure of idle assets and construction in progress Discusses the expectation that the disclosure of idle assets or postponed construction projects would be made whenever significant to meet the requirements in IAS 1.112(c) and IAS 16.79(a).
2004-11-01 Depreciation of assets leased under operating leases Addresses whether interest methods of depreciation which result in the depreciated asset reflecting the present value of future net cash flows expected from it is an allowable method of depreciation under IFRS.
IAS 19 2021-05-24 Attributing Benefit to Periods of Service Discusses how benefits should be attributed for post-employment defined benefit plans that contain both an ‘age’ vesting requirement and a ‘consecutive years of service immediately before retirement’ vesting requirement.
2019-06-21 Effect of a Potential Discount on Plan Classification Discusses whether a post-employment benefit plan that is administered by a third party would be classified as defined benefit plan where the entity has no legal or other obligation to pay further contributions if there are insufficient assets to pay all employee benefits but the entity is entitled to a potential discount on its annual contributions.
2017-06-27 Discount rate in a country that has adopted another country’s currency Discusses how to apply the requirements in IAS 19 to determine the discount rate in a country that has adopted another currency as its official or legal currency.
2015-07-01 Continuation of a minimum funding requirement Discusses a scenario where a contractual agreement exists for future minimum funding requirements and no plan wind-up or plan closure has been decided at the end of the reporting period. The issue is related to whether the future minimum funding requirement for contributions considers only the fixed agreed upon period or whether it also covers additional future periods.
2015-03-01 Measurement of longevity swaps Discusses how to measure longevity swaps held under a defined benefit pension plan and whether an entity should account for the swap as a single instrument or split it into two components.
2014-05-01 Employee benefit plans with a guaranteed return on contributions or notional contributions Considers whether an amendment to IAS 19 should be made to address diversity in practice arising from employee benefit plans with a guaranteed return on contributions or notional contributions.
2013-11-01 Actuarial assumptions: discount rate Discusses whether corporate bonds with a rating lower than ‘AA’ can be considered a “high quality corporate bond” if the number of corporate bonds rated ‘AAA’ or ‘AA’ has decreased.
2013-07-01 Pre-tax or post-tax discount rate Discusses whether the discount rate used to calculate defined benefit obligations should be based on a pre or post tax rate.
2012-09-01 Contribution-based promises-impact of the 2011 amendments Discusses whether contribution-based promises are affected by the 2011 IAS 19 amendments which clarified the treatment of risk-sharing features related to defined benefit obligations.
2012-01-01 Applying the definition of termination benefits to ‘Altersteilzeit’ plans Discusses the application of the definition of termination benefits to specific German plans.
2011-07-01 Defined contribution plans with vesting conditions Clarifies how vesting conditions impact the accounting for defined contribution plans, specifically whether expenses should be recognized over the vesting period or in the period paid.
2010-11-01 Statutory employee profit sharing arrangement Discusses whether a statutory employee profit-sharing arrangement that requires an entity to share 10 per cent of profit, calculated in accordance with tax law (subject to specific exceptions), with employees is in scope of IAS 19 or accounted for by analogy to either IAS 12 or IAS 37.
2008-11-01 Application to prepaid employer’s contribution reserve Discusses the assumption of a stable workforce in the application of IFRIC 14.
2008-01-01 Death in service benefits Discusses how an entity should attribute death in service benefits to periods of service.
2008-01-01 Definition of plan assets – investment or insurance policies Discusses whether investment or insurance policies that are issued by an entity to a pension plan covering its own employees would be included as a part of plan assets in the consolidated and separate financial statements of the sponsor.
2007-11-01 Changes to a plan caused by government Addresses whether actions by a government affecting a defined benefit plan should be accounted for differently from changes made by an employer.
2007-09-01 Benefit allocation for defined benefit plans Discusses whether expected salary increases should be considered when determining whether a benefit formula would result in a materially higher level of benefits allocated to future years.
2005-11-01 Employee long service leave Considers whether a liability for long service leave is in scope of IAS 19 or IAS 32.
2002-08-15 Classification of an insured plan Discusses a particular Swedish insured plan.
2002-08-01 Employee benefits—Undiscounted vested employee benefits Considers whether vested benefits payable when an employee leaves service could be recognised at an undiscounted amount.
2002-02-01 Employee benefits—calculation of discount rates Considers how to determine the discount rate under IAS 19.
IAS 20 2022-03-28 TLTRO III Transactions Considers the accounting for targeted longer term refinancing operations (TLTRO) of the European Central Bank.
2016-05-01 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance—Accounting for repayable cash receipts Considers how cash received from a government to help an entity finance a research and development project should be accounted for when the terms of the agreement provide that repayment in cash (which could be as much as twice the amount originally received) is only required if the entity exploits and commercializes the result of the research project. If the entity decides not to exploit or commercialize the results, the entity is only required to transfer the rights to the research to the government.
IAS 21 2022-10-24 Multi-currency Groups of Insurance Contracts Discusses how an entity accounts for insurance contracts in scope of IFRS 17 with cash flows in more than one currency and considers the impact of IAS 21 in measuring those insurance contracts.
2020-03-04 Cumulative Exchange Differences before a Foreign Operation becomes Hyperinflationary Discusses whether an entity reclassifies within equity with subsequent reclassification to profit loss cumulative pre-hyperinflation exchange differences.
2020-03-04 Translation of a Hyperinflationary Foreign Operation—Presenting Exchange Differences Discusses how an entity presents exchange differences in the statement of financial position when the entity has a presentation currency that is not the currency of a hyperinflationary economy and has a foreign operation that has a functional currency of a hyperinflationary economy.
2020-03-04 Presenting Comparative Amounts when a Foreign Operation first becomes Hyperinflationary Discusses whether an entity should restate comparative amounts presented for a foreign operation when it first becomes hyperinflationary.
2018-09-24 Determination of the exchange rate when there is a long-term lack of exchangeability Considers how the exchange rate used to translate the result and financial position should be determined when there is a lack of exchangeability.
2014-11-01 Foreign exchange restrictions and hyperinflation Provides guidance on how to translate and consolidate the results and financial position of a foreign operation in Venezuela due to the strict controls placed on the currency.
2010-09-01 Repayments of investments and foreign currency translation reserve Discusses whether the foreign currency translation reserve (FCTR) should be recycled for transactions when there are reductions in ownership percentage.
2010-03-01 Functional currency of an investment holding company Considers whether the underlying economic environment of subsidiaries should be taken into account when determining, in its separate financial statements, the functional currency of an investment holding company.
IAS 23 2019-03-15 Over Time Transfer of Constructed Good Considers whether an entity has a qualifying asset for which borrowing costs are required to be capitalized for construction of a residential multi-unit real estate development (building).
2018-09-24 Expenditures on a qualifying asset Considers whether capitalized borrowing costs should include amounts for general borrowings obtained after the entity has incurred expenditures on qualifying assets.
2018-09-24 Borrowing costs on land Considers whether IAS 23 should be applied to an entity that acquires and develops land and subsequently constructs a building on that land where the entity is using general borrowing to fund both land and building expenditures.
2008-01-01 Foreign exchange and capitalisable borrowing costs Considers whether further clarification is necessary on which foreign exchange differences (specified to the treatment of foreign exchange gains and losses and on the treatment of any derivatives used to hedge such foreign exchange exposure) may be regarded as adjustments to interest costs for the purpose of applying IAS 23.
IAS 24 2015-05-01 Definition of close members of the family of a person Considers whether the definition of close members of the family of a person should include the parents of a person.
2004-09-01 Interpretation of the term ‘information’ in IAS 24 paragraph 17 Considers whether to supplement the minimum disclosures requirements for the purpose and economic substance of transactions, identity of related parties, extent of management involvement, special risks and the effect of such transactions on the financial statements.
IAS 26 2010-05-01 Valuation of plan assets Considers whether it is necessary to clarify the interaction between IAS 26 and IAS 39 relating to the accounting for retirement benefit plan investments (plan assets).
IAS 27 2019-01-22 Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost: Step acquisition Considers whether the entity should determine the cost of its investment in a subsidiary as the sum of fair value as deemed cash approach or accumulated cost approach.
2019-01-22 Investment in a subsidiary accounted for at cost: Partial disposal Discusses whether an investment retained is eligible for the election that permits the holder of particular investments in equity instruments to present subsequent changes in fair value in other comprehensive income and whether the entity presents the investment in profit or loss or OCI any difference between the cost and the fair value on the date of losing control of the investee.
2013-01-01 Non-cash acquisition of a non-controlling interest by a controlling shareholder Discusses whether a reporting entity should recognize consideration in profit or loss or equity when they acquire a non-controlling interest and consideration includes non-cash items where there is a difference between fair value and carrying amount.
2011-09-01 Group reorganisations in separate financial statements

Discusses how to determine cost of an investment in a subsidiary in separate financial statements when a reorganization resulted in a new parent for its investments in subsidiaries and how IAS 27.13-14 applies.

2010-01-01 Combined financial statements and redefining the reporting entity

Discusses when there are a group of entities under common control can a reporting entity pick and choose whether to include a selection of entities or not.

2010-01-01 Presentation of comparatives when applying the ‘pooling of interests’ method

For entities under common control when applying the ‘pooling of interests’ method, discusses how to present comparatives.

2009-07-01 Transaction costs for non-controlling interests

Transaction costs incurred due to activities of a non-controlling interest (NCI) and discusses how these costs should be treated.

2006-03-01 Separate financial statements issued before consolidated financial statements Discusses whether it is possible to interpret IAS 27 as allowing separate accounts to be published when there is a reasonable expectation that consolidated accounts will be subsequently published.
IAS 28 2018-01-19 Contributing property, plant and equipment to an associate

An entity provides property, plant and equipment (PPE) to a brand new subsidiary in exchange for shares. Discusses how to recognize this transaction.

2017-03-01 Fund manager's assessment of significant influence Discusses how a fund manager evaluates whether it has control, joint control or significant influence over a fund it manages.
2013-01-01 Impairment of investments in associates in separate financial statements

Discusses when testing for impairment within its investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates carried at cost, should an entity apply IAS 36 or IAS 39.

2009-07-01 Meaning of “Significant or prolonged” Discusses additional clarification on the meaning of ‘significant or prolonged’ in recognising impairment on available for-sale equity instruments.
2009-07-01 Issues arising from IFRS 3 (2008), IAS 27 (2008) and IAS 28

Discusses when using the equity method how the carrying amount on an initial investment is calculated and how an investee’s issue of shares are recognized.

2009-03-01 Issues arising from IFRS 3 (2008), IAS 27 (2008) and IAS 28

Discusses when using the equity method how to perform an impairment assessment on an intangible asset with no defined life and when an investment changes from equity method to cost method.

2003-04-01 Reciprocal interests Considers how a parent’s shares that are held by a subsidiary (or associate) should be accounted for.
2002-08-01 Reciprocal equity interests

When there are cross-holdings between two entities how do they account for their mutual interests when the investments in one another is accounted for using the equity method.

IAS 29 2020-03-04 Cumulative Exchange Differences before a Foreign Operation becomes Hyperinflationary Discusses whether an entity reclassifies within equity with subsequent reclassification to profit or loss cumulative pre-hyperinflation exchange differences.
2020-03-04 Translation of a Hyperinflationary Foreign Operation—Presenting Exchange Differences Discusses how an entity presents exchange differences in the statement of financial position when the entity has a presentation currency that is not the currency of a hyperinflationary economy and has a foreign operation that has a functional currency of a hyperinflationary economy.
2020-03-04 Presenting Comparative Amounts when a Foreign Operation first becomes Hyperinflationary Discusses whether an entity should restate comparative amounts presented for a foreign operation when it first becomes hyperinflationary.
2014-01-01 Concept of financial capital maintenance defined in terms of constant purchasing power units

Discusses the concept of financial capital maintenance which is measured in units of constant purchasing power is allowed when the entity’s functional currency and the currency of a hyperinflationary economy are not the same.

IAS 32 2022-10-24 Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC): Accounting for Warrants at Acquisition Discusses additional guidance required for warrant on obtaining special purpose acquisition companies.
2022-07-21 Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC): Classification of Public Shares as Financial Liabilities or Equity Discusses how public shares that a SPAC issues should be classified.
2021-10-29 Accounting for Warrants that are Classified as Financial Liabilities on Initial Recognition Discusses initial recognition of a warrant that is classified as a derivative financial liability however following fixed for fixed condition being met whether it should get reclassified as an equity instrument.
2016-11-01 Written put options over non-controlling interests to be settled by a variable number of the parent’s shares

Discusses whether to recognize a gross liability or a derivative financial liability for a written non-controlling interest put option in the consolidated financial statements.

2016-05-01 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance—Accounting for repayable cash receipts Considers how cash received from a government to help an entity finance a research and development project should be accounted for when the terms of the agreement provide that repayment in cash (which could be as much as twice the amount originally received) is only required if the entity exploits and commercializes the result of the research project. If the entity decides not to exploit or commercialize the results, the entity is only required to transfer the rights to the research to the government.
2016-03-01 Offsetting and cash-pooling arrangements Discusses whether a cash-pooling arrangement meets the requirements for offsetting per IAS 32.42(b).
2016-03-01 Classification of liability for a prepaid card in the issuer’s financial statements

Discusses when a prepaid card is sold in exchange for cash how the seller classifies the liability.

2014-05-01 Mandatorily convertible financial instrument

How to account for a mandatorily convertible financial instrument when at maturity, the issuer must deliver a number of its own equity instruments with a minimum and maximum amounts set to equal a fixed cash amount.

2014-01-01 Early settlement option on a mandatorily convertible financial instrument

Discusses how to assess the substance of a transaction when at maturity of the financial instrument it is mandatorily convertible into a number of shares with a minimum and maximum amounts set but gives the issuer the option to settle by distributing the maximum number of shares.

2014-01-01 Mandatorily convertible financial instrument

How to account for a financial instrument when it does not have a stated maturity date but is convertible into a number of the issuer’s own equity instruments if the issuer breached a non-viability test.

2013-11-01 Classification of puttable instruments that are noncontrolling interests Provides guidance on the classification on consolidation of puttable instruments issued by a subsidiary that are not held, directly or indirectly, by the parent.
2013-09-01 Classification of financial instruments that give the issuer the contractual right to choose the form of settlement

Discusses how to classify financial instruments when the holder has the ability to redeem at any time and the instruments do not have a maturity date.

2010-03-01 Shareholder discretion

Discusses when a preference share includes a contractual obligation to deliver cash but the compensation is at the choice of the shareholder, should it be classified as a financial liability or equity.

2010-01-01 Application of the ‘fixed for fixed’ condition

Discusses additional guidance required as there may be different approaches for how to account for an equity instrument when a fixed number of an entity’s own equity instruments is exchanged for a fixed amount of cash in order to end a contract.

2009-03-01 Classification of puttable and perpetual instruments Discusses whether there can be different classes of equity instruments when some instruments are puttable and some are perpetual.
2008-09-01 Transaction costs Where there is one or more transactions with share transaction costs how should these be allocated and to what degree should these costs be a deduction from equity.
2008-05-01 Deposits on returnable containers Discusses when an entity has a program where the customer will receive a refund of their deposit if the customer returns one of the entity’s refundable containers and whether this obligation to refund is accounted for under IAS 37 or IAS 39.
2006-11-01 Foreign currency instruments exchangeable into equity instruments of the parent entity of the issuer Discusses when exchangeable financial instruments have embedded conversion options, whether within the consolidated financial statements of the parent these instruments should be classified as equity.
2006-11-01 Changes in the contractual terms of an existing equity instrument resulting in it being reclassified to financial liability

Discusses when a contract amendment results in an equity instrument being reclassified as a financial liability, how should the liability be measured and how are any carrying amount differences in the equity instrument and the financial liability accounted for.

2006-11-01 Contractual obligations and economic compulsion in the classification of financial instruments

Discusses if an entity was economically compelled could this affect the classification of a financial instrument.

2006-11-01 Puts and forwards held by minority interests

Discusses the need to expand on the guidance for when a holder of non-controlling interest in a subsidiary can put shares into a parent entity or when the parent enters into forward acquiring shares of non-controlling interest in a subsidiary.

2005-11-01 Employee long service leave Considers whether a liability for long service leave is in scope of IAS 19 or IAS 32.
2002-08-01 Own shares that are held for trading purposes Discusses whether an entity that holds their own shares for trading purposes measures them at fair value so that the income statement can reflect the change in value.
IAS 33 2017-06-02 Tax arising from payments on participating equity instruments

Discusses when calculating the numerator in the basic earnings per share (ordinary shareholder profit) whether the hypothetical tax benefit from allocating the profit reflected.

IAS 34 2014-07-01 Condensed statement of cash flows Discusses when presenting the condensed statement of cash flows in the interim financial statements should you present a detailed structure or present three lines showing only a total for each of the titles of cash flow activities.
2009-07-01 Interim fair value disclosures

Discuss whether within condensed interim financial reports is it a requirement to update annual fair value disclosures.

IAS 36 2016-05-01 Recoverable amount and carrying amount of a cash-generating unit

Discusses whether an alternative approach is permitted or is the required approach for determining a cash-generating unit’s carrying amount and its value in use by deducted the carrying amount of the liabilities.

2013-01-01 Impairment of investments in associates in separate financial statements

Discusses when testing for impairment within its investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates carried at cost, should an entity apply IAS 36 or IAS 39.

2010-11-01 Calculation of value in use – dividend discount model

Discusses when determining the value in use of a cash generating unit, whether it is appropriate to calculate the estimated future cash flows from dividends using dividend discount models as a cash flow projection.

2010-03-01 Interaction of transition requirements in IFRS 8 and IAS 36 Discusses the interaction of transition requirements related to an amendment made to replace the reference to ‘segments’ with ‘operating segments’.
2007-03-01 Identifying cash-generating units in the retail industry A retail industry entity has more than one store location and inquired whether they can combine store locations for cash generating units.
IAS 37 2022-07-21 Negative Low Emission Vehicle Credits When the entity produces or imports vehicles where the average fuel emissions are higher than the target set by the government then the entity will receive negative credits. If the entity doesn’t eliminate their negative credits then the government can restrict the entity’s access to the market. Discusses whether this situation meets the definition of a liability under IAS 37.
2019-01-22 Deposits relating to taxes other than income tax

Discusses how to account for deposits relating to taxes other than income tax when an entity makes a deposit with a tax authority to be either refunded to the entity or kept by the tax authority depending on the outcome of a dispute.

2017-09-25 Interest and penalties related to income taxes Discusses various issues related to interest and penalties which are not specifically addressed in IFRS standards.
2014-05-01 Measurement of liabilities arising from emission trading schemes In an emission trading scheme, there is an obligation to deliver allowances. Discusses how these allowances should be valued impacting the measurement of the liability.
2011-03-01 Inclusion of own credit risk in discount rate

Discusses when measuring liabilities and determining the discount rate, whether an entity excludes their own credit risk from any adjustments to the discount rate in accordance with the phrase “the risks specific to the liability”.

2008-05-01 Deposits on returnable containers Discusses when an entity has a program where the customer will receive a refund of their deposit if the customer returns one of the entity’s refundable containers and whether this obligation to refund is accounted for under IAS 37 or IAS 39.
2005-08-01 Obligations to repair/maintain another entity’s property, plant and equipment

Discusses under IAS 37 when using another entity’s asset there is an obligation to repair or maintain that asset and how the liability should be accounted for.

IAS 38 2021-04-27 Configuration or Customisation Costs in a Cloud Computing Arrangement

A customer has an arrangement with a supplier for access to their application software stored on the cloud. The customer has to pay for extra customization to be able to use the application. Discuss whether these extra costs are accounted for as an intangible or something else.

2020-06-25 Player Transfer Payments Discusses whether IFRS 15 or IAS 38 applies to player transfer payments received.
2020-03-03 Training Costs to Fulfil a Contract Discusses whether training costs incurred to fulfil a contract with a customer should be recognized as an asset or an expense.
2019-06-21 Holdings of Cryptocurrencies Discusses characteristics that are referred to as cryptocurrency and the nature of a cryptocurrency which provides guidance how holdings of cryptocurrency should be accounted for under IFRS.
2019-03-15 Customer’s Right to Receive Access to the Supplier’s Software Hosted on the Cloud

A supplier has their application software on the cloud and in order for customers to access the software they sign a contract in which money is exchanged for access to the cloud for a specific term. Discusses how the customer should account for this access.

2017-09-25 Goods acquired for promotional activities

Discusses the accounting for promotional goods undistributed at reporting date.

2010-01-01 Amortisation method – intangible assets with a finite useful life

Discusses a finite useful life intangible asset and when determining the appropriate amortization method it requires further interpretation of 'consumption of economic benefits'.

2009-07-01 Compliance cost for the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals Discusses accounting for compliance costs related to a specific European Regulation.
2009-03-01 Customer-related intangible assets

Discusses guidance when a relationship with a customer that is non-contractual surfaces in a business combination.  

IAS 39 2019-03-15 Application of the Highly Probable Requirement when a Specific Derivative is Designated as a Hedging Instrument Provides guidance on how to apply the ‘highly probable” requirement when the notional amount of a derivative designated as a hedging instrument varies depending on the outcome of the hedged item.
2016-05-01 Derecognition of modified financial assets Discusses the need to clarify requirements for when a financial asset is modified resulting in the original asset being derecognized.
2016-01-01 Separation of an embedded floor from a floating rate host contract

Discusses when there is a negative interest rate situation should the entity establish an embedded interest rate floor in a floating rate host debt contract.

2015-01-01 Accounting for embedded foreign currency derivatives in host contracts

Discusses how to account for an embedded foreign currency derivative where the same currency is used in both the licence agreement and the contract.

2010-03-01 Unit of account for forward contracts with volumetric optionality

Discusses whether this transaction is two separate transactions where an entity is required to sell a non-financial item, easily convertible to cash at a fixed price and predetermined number of units but also allows the buyer to purchase additional predetermined units at a fixed price.

2009-07-01 Meaning of “Significant or prolonged” Discusses additional clarification on the meaning of ‘significant or prolonged’ in recognising impairment on available for-sale equity instruments.
2009-07-01 Hedging using more than one derivative as the hedging instrument Discusses whether IAS 39 permits a combination of derivatives to be jointly designated as a hedging instrument.
2009-05-01 Participation rights and calculation of the effective interest rate

Discusses when the holder of an instrument shares in the net income and losses of the issuer, how the issuer should account for the participation rights within the financial liability. Losses are added to the value and repaid on maturity. Losses can be offset by profits.

2009-03-01 Derecognition – groups of financial assets and transfers of financial assets

Discusses how groups of financial assets would undergo the derecognition tests in IAS 39. Also discusses when a transfer of a financial asset would undergo the pass-through tests in IAS 39.

2008-07-01 Effective interest rate method when cash flows are linked to inflation

The changes in an inflation index are directly related to a financial instruments cash flow, discusses how to apply the effective interest rate method.

2007-09-01 Hedging future cash flows with purchased options Discusses a situation where an entity designates an option as hedging instrument.
2007-07-01 Hedging multiple risks with a single derivative hedging instrument Discusses how an entity demonstrates hedge effectiveness when it designates a single derivative hedging instrument that hedges multiple risks.
2007-03-01 Hedge effectiveness of an interest rate swap in a cash flow hedge

Discusses when assessing hedge effectiveness, does the entity need also to take into account the time value of money of both the interest rate swap hedging instrument and hedged item.

2007-01-01 Financial Instruments puttable at an amount other than Fair Value

Discusses how to account for the puttable instruments in the financial statements of the holders, and whether the financial statements of the issuers and holder should be the same. Also discusses if consolidated financial statements are required if the subsidiary has no equity instruments in issue.

2006-11-01 Testing of hedge effectiveness on a cumulative basis Discusses whether an entity use regression analysis to assess both retrospective and prospective hedge effectiveness even if it’s outside the range of 80%-125%.
2005-11-01 Retention of servicing rights Discusses whether when transferring a financial asset does the retention of servicing rights of the entity cause the transfer to fail the requirements in paragraph 18 (a) of IAS 39.
2005-11-01 Revolving structures – pass through requirements

Discusses whether the requirements in the now paragraph 3.2.5(c) of IFRS 9 are met for ‘revolving’ structures.

2005-08-01 Meaning of delivery Discusses the meaning of delivery in the context of the ‘own purchase, sale or usage requirements’ scope exemption in IFRS 9.2.4.
2005-06-01 Impairment of an Equity Security

Discusses whether the IFRIC should develop guidance on if there should be more clarification in the terms significant or prolonged decline of the FV of an equity instrument classified as available for sale where an impairment loss has already been recognized.

2005-06-01 Redesignating a hedging instrument that previously failed the retrospective effectiveness test

Discusses whether a hedge can be accounted for as effective in a subsequent period when it has previously failed the retrospective effectiveness test.

2004-10-01 Commodity price risk hedging

Discusses whether an element designated as a hedged item can be separated into price risk components.

2004-10-01 Single instrument designated as a hedge of more than one type of risk Discusses if a separate effectiveness test is required when a single hedging instrument is designated for more than one type of risk. 
IFRIC 12 2016-09-01 Service concession arrangements with leased infrastructure Discussed when infrastructure is leased how the service concession arrangement is accounted for.
2016-07-01 Payments made by an operator to a grantor in a service concession arrangement Discusses within the scope of IFRIC 12 in a service concession arrangement how are payments to the grantor accounted for.
2009-07-01 Scope of IFRIC 12 Discusses if the operator can charge users of the service a different price than set by the grantor and if this only applies to the infrastructure.
IFRIC 14 2015-07-01 Continuation of a minimum funding requirement Discusses that during the fixed period of a pension agreement is the future service covered only by the future minimum funding requirement for contributions.
2008-11-01 Application to prepaid employer’s contribution reserve Discusses whether the assumption of a stable workforce can alter an entity’s reported earnings.
IFRIC 21 2015-01-01 Levies raised on production of property, plant and equipment Discusses how to present the cost of recognizing a levy.
2014-03-01 A levy that is subject to a pro rate activity threshold as well as an annual threshold Discusses the requirements in IFRIC 21 for identifying an obligating event for a levy.

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