Audit Methodology Update—Summer 2021

Target audience: All Direct Engagement Auditors.

Effective date: The revised methodology is effective upon release. For audits that are currently underway, auditors should apply the revised methodology and tools moving forward.

Standards: This update reflects up to CPA Canada—Assurance—Update Number 34—April 2021.

Copyright: CPA Canada Handbook sections and excerpts are reproduced herein for your non-commercial use with the permission of The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (“CPA Canada”). These may not be modified, copied or distributed in any form as this would infringe CPA Canada’s copyright.

Description of subject: The update includes changes to audit Manual policies and guidance, TeamMate procedures, templates and Intranet pages. Significant changes to the methodology are summarized below.

Key changes are:

  • Simplified and clarified substantiation requirements.

  • Updated guidance on strategic planning and selection of performance audit topics.

  • Updated Functional Risk Identification Template (FRIT) and Audit Report Submission (ARS) templates to incorporate references to Gender‑Based Analysis Plus (GBA+).

  • Removed the requirements to prepare the visual “one-pager” from several Manual sections and TeamMate procedures.

  • Indicated the Report Mapping Session for performance audits as optional.

  • Removed outdated guidance documents and updated related manual sections.

  • Updated several Manual sections with guidance and clarifications brought by the guideline AUG‑50—Conducting a performance audit in the public sector in accordance with CSAE 3001.

Updates to the Manual

A number of revisions have been made to the System of Quality Control Manual sections, the Office-wide sections and the Direct Engagement Manual sections. Revisions to the System of Quality Control Manual sections are included in the Annual Audit Manual and the Direct Engagement Manual. The following is a summary of revisions other than editorial or minor revisions.

Section Section Title Nature of Changes

System of Quality Control and Office-wide Sections


Ethical Requirements Relating to an Assurance Engagement

Modified OAG policy and assurance standards for conforming amendments to Canadian Standards.


Complaints and Allegations

Modified OAG policy for conforming amendments to Canadian Standards.


Acceptance and Continuance

Additional assurance standards and guidance related to terms of engagement for direct engagements as a result of AUG‑50.


Engagement Leader Responsibilities for Audit Quality

Modified OAG policy and assurance standards for conforming amendments to Canadian Standards.



Updated definitions for conforming amendments to Canadian Standards.

Added and updated definitions for new guidance related to AUG‑50.

Direct Engagement Sections


Overview of Performance Audits

Updated content to include revised OAG Vision and Mission statement; AUG-50 definitions and guidance.

Revised content related to audit selection process, substantiation, and access to information in alignment with changes to those areas in related Manual sections.


Acquiring and Maintaining Knowledge of Business for Performance Audits

Updated content to include AUG-50 guidance on knowledge of business work and information available on the Internet that can support it.


Selection of Performance Audit Topics

Incorporated guidance on strategic planning for performance audit.

Updated guidance on performance audit selection to reflect revised criteria and process.

2030 Communication with the Audit Entity: Initial and Ongoing Added guidance on dispute resolution regarding Cabinet confidences.
2040 Discussions with the Auditor General Removed references to visual one-pagers. Indicated that the Report Mapping Sessions are now an optional procedure.


Accessing/Requesting Audit Documentation

Changed policy to identify respective territorial acts governing access entitlement.

Incorporated guidance on accessing entity information.


Audit Plan Summary for Performance Audits

Revised content to indicate that the Audit Plan Summary is no longer a controlled document.


Drafting the Audit Report

Revised guidance on report mapping session to indicate that this step is optional.



Changed policy requirement for teams to identify statements that need to be substantiated.


Third-Party References

Incorporated content on third party references


Preparation for Tabling of Direct Engagement Reports

Removed reference to visual one‑pager.

Updated procedure for courtesy invitation of entity to preview report virtually or in‑person.


Management of Controlled Documents

Updated content to indicate that the Audit Plan Summary is no longer a controlled document.

Updates to TeamMate Audit Procedures

Revisions have been made to the TeamMate TeamStores for Performance Audit and Special Examinations. The audit procedures were updated to reflect the changes made to the Direct Engagement Methodology. In addition, several audit procedures related to the planning phase have been updated to incorporate the changes agreed following the “Simplification” project. There were no key structural changes made to either the performance audit or the special examination TeamMate procedures.

Audit teams with audit work currently under way should continue using their current TeamMate file. Update the file to incorporate changes that are effective immediately, for the procedures not yet started, using the tables of changes below.

  • Import relevant audit procedures, as needed using “Get Programs,” and replace sub-folders and/or audit procedures where work has not yet started.

  • Do not make changes to audit procedures that are completed.

  • If needed, include the changes to TeamMate from this update under the “Documentation of Significant Judgments” subfolder and link to it as necessary.

Audit teams that have not yet created their TeamMate file should use the new TeamStore for Performance Audits or Special Examinations that incorporates the changes.

The following is a summary of the revisions to the TeamMate procedures, other than editorial or minor revisions. Ensure you have the updated procedure step for those steps not yet started.

Performance Audit TeamStore

Program (PRG) Procedure Step Change

A.1.PRG—Project Management

CPA Canada Licence Agreement (Aug-2021)

Changed copyright date from 2020 to 2021.

A.1.PRG—Project  Management

Budget (Aug-2021)

Added requirement for teams to complete a Product Completion Form providing reasons for late or over-budget audits.

A.2.PRG—Team Members and Experts

Ethical and Independence Requirements (Aug‑2021)

Added clarification for procedures when there is an exception to independence. Exceptions are discussed with and reviewed by the Engagement Leader and Internal Specialist–Values and Ethics. The DX is not involved.

Clarified definition of location relevant to the audit.

A.4.PRG—Information Management

IF APPLICABLE— Management of Cabinet and TB Documents (Aug-2021)

Changed procedure as per memo from Legal Services for requesting Cabinet and Treasury Board documents from remote work locations.

A.6.PRG—Early Planning Phase Meeting

Early AG Engagement Meeting (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one‑pager” since this is no longer used.

B.1.PRG—Significant Judgments

Documentation of Significant Judgments

Added procedure for documenting significant judgments related to changes made to the audit programs from C.4.PRG–Audit Programs.

Added optional procedure for documenting the approach used for evaluating the sufficiency and appropriateness of evidence.

C.1.PRG—Understanding the Subject Matter

INSTRUCTIONS—Knowledge of the Subject Matter (Aug‑2021)

Updated list of documents identified from AUG‑50 guidance.

C.1.PRG—Understanding the Subject Matter

Required Considerations to Understand the Subject Matter (Aug‑2021)

Added option for the three specific inquiries required by standards to be asked by email as well through interviews.

C.2.PRG—Audit Scope and Approach

Planning Phase AG Briefing (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one‑pager” since this is no longer used.

C.3.PRG—Audit Plan Summary

Prepare Audit Plan Summary (Aug‑2021)

Removed CODI procedures as the Audit Plan Summary is now a non‑controlled document.

C.3.PRG—Audit Plan Summary

Response to APS from Entity (Aug‑2021)

Added clarification that a response from the entity is not required for the audit to continue.

C.4.PRG—Audit Programs

Audit Programs (Aug-2021)

Removed procedure on documenting significant judgments related to changes to the audit programs and moved it to B.1.PRG–Significant Judgments.

D.1.PRG—Examination Work and Preliminary Findings

Presenting Preliminary Findings to the Entity (Aug‑2021)

Updated text for virtual meeting formats.

D.2.PRG—Internal Draft and Consultation

IF APPLICABLE—Report Mapping Session (Aug‑2021)

Updated to indicate that step is optional.

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one-pager” since this is no longer used.

D.2.PRG—Internal Draft and Consultation

Findings Discussion with the AG (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one-pager” since this is no longer used.

E.1.PRG—PX Draft

Prepare PX Draft (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one-pager” since this is no longer used.

Removed repetition of procedures related to substantiation and directed the auditor to the E.2.PRG– Audit Report Substantiation.

E.2.PRG—Audit Report Substantiation

Substantiation (Aug‑2021)

Updated and simplified substantiation instructions to clarify Office requirements. Introduced flexibility on format used to document substantiation.

Retrieved references to evaluation of evidence that is to be performed throughout the engagement.

E.4.PRG—Transmission Draft

Transmission Draft Discussion with the AG (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one‑pager” since this is no longer used.

E.4.PRG—Transmission Draft

Revised Transmission Draft as a Result of Comments Received (Aug‑2021)

Added text to highlight that changes at the Transmission Draft step should be on exceptional basis.

E.6.PRG—Preparation for Report Tabling

Preparation for Tabling (Aug‑2021)

Removed procedure to develop a visual “one‑pager” since this is no longer used.

Updated procedure for courtesy invitation of entity to preview report virtually or in-person.

Special Examination TeamStore

Program (PRG) Procedure Step Change

A.1.PRG—Project  Management

CPA Canada Licence Agreement (Aug‑2021)

Changed copyright date from 2020 to 2021.

A.1.PRG—Project  Management

Budget (Aug-2021)

Added requirement for teams to complete a Product Completion Form providing reasons for late or over‑budget audits.

A.1.PRG—Project  Management

Key Steps & Dates (Aug-2021)

Removed reference to the report mapping session.

A.2.PRG—Team Members and Experts

Ethical and Independence Requirements (Aug-2021)

Added clarification for procedures when there is an exception to independence. Exceptions are discussed with and reviewed by the Engagement Leader and Internal Specialist–Values and Ethics. The DX is not involved.

A.4.PRG—Information Management

IF APPLICABLE—Management of Cabinet and TB Documents (Aug‑2021)

Changed procedure as per memo from Legal Services for requesting Cabinet and Treasury Board documents from remote work locations.

B.1.PRG—Significant Judgments

Documentation of Significant Judgments (Aug‑2021)

Added procedure for documenting significant judgments related to changes made to the audit programs from C.4.PRG–Audit Programs.

Added optional procedure for documenting the approach used for evaluating the appropriateness and completeness of evidence.

C.1.PRG—Understanding the Subject Matter

Required Considerations to Understand the Subject Matter (Aug‑2021)

Added the option for the three specific inquiries required by standards to be asked by email as well as through interviews.

C.3.PRG—Special Examination Plan Summary

Special Examination Plan to Management (Aug‑2021)

Removed CODI procedures as the SE Plan is now a non‑controlled document.

C.3.PRG—Special Examination Plan

Final SE Plan (Aug‑2021)

Removed CODI procedures as the SE Plan is now a non‑controlled document.

C.4.PRG – Audit Programs

Audit Programs (Aug-2021)

Removed procedure on documenting significant judgments related to changes to the audit programs and moved it to B.1.PRG–Significant Judgments.

D.1.PRG—Examination Work and Preliminary Findings

Presenting Preliminary Findings to the Entity (Aug‑2021)

Updated text for virtual meeting formats.

D.2.PRG—Internal Draft and Consultation Review of the Finding Blocks with Editorial Services (Aug‑2021) Replaced the report mapping session procedures with mandatory meeting with Editorial Services for reviewing the draft findings blocks before they are sent to the AG.

E.1.PRG—PX Draft

Prepare PX Draft (Aug‑2021)

Removed repetition of procedures related to substantiation and directed the auditor to use the E.2.PRG–Audit Report Substantiation.

E.2.PRG—Audit Report Substantiation

INSTRUCTIONS—Substantiation (Aug‑2021)

Updated and simplified substantiation instructions to clarify Office requirements. Introduced flexibility on format used to document substantiation.

Retrieved references to evaluation of evidence that is to be performed throughout the engagement.

E.4.PRG—Transmission Draft

Revised Transmission Draft as a Result of Comments Received (Aug‑2021)

Added text to highlight that changes at the Transmission Draft step should be on exceptional basis.

Updates to Guidance and Templates

Revisions have been made to some templates and guidance. With the exception of those documents identified as being specific to performance audits or special examinations, all templates and guidance documents listed below apply to both practices. The following is a summary of all revisions other than editorial or minor revisions.

System of Quality Control Templates

No changes made to SoQC templates

Direct Engagement Guidance

Phase Guidance Name Change

Engagement Management

Auditor General’s Involvement and Advisory Committee Meetings

Removed requirement to have a visual “one‑pager” as documentation at meetings.

Engagement Management

DELETED—Guidance for the Access to Entity Information

Integrated content into the Manual sections 2030‑Communication with the Audit Entity: Initial and Ongoing, and 2060‑Accessing/Requesting Audit Documentation.


DELETED—Guide on Risk‑based Planning and Scoping for Direct Engagements—Under revision

Outdated content remains under revision. The document will be available in the methodology archive content.


DELETED—Guidelines on Third Party References

Integrated content into the Manual section 8060–Third-Party References.

DELETED—Substantiation in TeamMate—Technical Guidance

Outdated content given the changes to substantiation guidance.

Direct Engagement Templates

Phase Template Name Change

Engagement Management

Audit Report Submission

Added reference to Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+).

Revised to reflect the updated guidance on the audit selection process, in Manual section 1510 Selection of Performance Audit Topics.

Engagement Management

Key dates for special examination reports

Retrieved the report mapping session from the key steps because it is no longer used by audit team.

Added a meeting with Editorial Services to review and edit the draft finding blocks before sending them to the Auditor General.

Engagement Management

What to Expect—A Crown Corporation’s Guide to a Special Examination (Presentation) (Special Examinations)

Updated with the official OAG PowerPoint presentation template and updated to communicate consistent and coherent messages to the entity.


Functional Risk Identification (FRIT) Added new questions on Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to be considered as part of the Environment and Sustainable Development section.


Special Examination Audit Approach

Updated core systems and practices, criteria and sources of criteria to be used in Special Examinations.


Special Examination Plan

Updated the official OAG template to modernize the presentation and to communicate consistent and coherent messages to the entity.


CODI Email

Added sentence on the use of Adobe Reader to open the documents.


CODI Email for the OAG’s External Parties

Added sentence on the use of Adobe Reader to open the documents.



Retrieved following the changes to the Manual section 7060 Substantiation.


NEW—Product Completion Form

Added form from Financial Management Group for teams to complete if, after tabling, the audits are late or over-budget.

Updates to INTRAnet

Direct Engagement INTRAnet pages reflect the changes included in this Methodology Update.