Audit Methodology Update—Fall 2013

As I mentioned in my June email, the first stage of the methodology update included changes to Annual Audit (auditing) and Special Examination practices which were released in July. These contained changes from professional standards, system of quality control, internal continuous improvement initiatives, and our strategic alliance with PricewaterhourseCoopers. For more details, please refer to the audit practice announcements page on the INTRAnet.

The next phase of the update will include changes to Annual Audit (accounting) TeamStore. The release is planned for early October. These are a result of changes in professional standards and internal continuous improvement initiatives.

Changes to Performance Audit methodology are underway and the release is planned for November.

Full details of the changes will be communicated in a methodology update announcement upon release. Please contact the PPG practice teams (AAPT, PAPT, SEPT, or PPG) if you have any questions about the updates.

Stuart Barr
Assistant Auditor General, Professional Practices Group