Methodology Update—Special Examinations

Audience: Auditors working on special examinations

Effective date: Immediately upon release

The Special Examinations Toolkit, which has been previously provided to audit teams directly by the Product Leader, has been updated and posted to the Intranet. These changes do not affect performance audit. This update highlights changes to methodology for special examinations only.

The updated versions of these documents replace all versions that have previously been provided to teams, except where teams have already started a step.

Key changes in this update are:

  • Publication of the Special Examinations Toolkit to the Special Examinations page, including important documentation and guidance for audit files, special examination plans, and the audit process.
  • In addition, the template Key Production Dates for Special Examination Reports, located on the Templates and Checklists page, has been updated and retitled as Key Dates for Special Examination Reports.

If you have any questions on methodology for special examinations, please contact the Direct Engagement Practice Team (DEPT) through the DEPT mailbox.