Standards Interpretation—OAG List of New or Amended Accounting and Assurance Standards
Target Audience: All attest auditors
Effective date: 1 November 2023
Prepared by: AEA
Description of Subject: Quarterly update of the OAG List of new or amended accounting and assurance standards. This update supersedes the previous version.
Impact on Audit Teams: The list covers all new IFRS, PSAS and assurance standards that are mandatorily effective for 31 December or 31 March year-end audits.
The list was created to help keep auditors current on recent developments in accounting and assurance that are relevant to the entities we audit.
An Excel-based tool was used in order to generate a customized report to meet specific information needs, and to assist auditors with a variety of requirements, such as (but not limited to):
- Preparing RAC documents,
- Auditing financial statement note disclosures (such as changes in accounting policies),
- Preparing for discussions with audit entities, or
- Keeping current on recent developments in accounting and assurance standards relevant to the entities we audit.
Questions: Contact AEA.