Methodology Update—January 2022

Audience: All Auditors

A new section has been introduced in both the Financial Audit and the Direct Engagement manuals – 2080 Contracted out audits.

This manual section applies to fully or substantially contracted out audits regardless of type, but does not apply to joint audits or hiring contractors to support or supplement the OAG audit teams. The new manual section supersedes the Practice Advisory “Practitioner’s Responsibilities When Contracting Out an Audit”.

For clarity of scope, refer to audit manual section 2080.

Effective date:

  • For audits contracted out after the publication date of this manual section, the provisions of the new manual section are applicable.

  • Audits previously contracted out underway at the date of the publication of this manual section may continue to apply the Practice Advisory above.

Questions: Contact the Audit Methodology Team–Direct Engagements or Audit Methodology Team–Attest Audits.