Additional Resources

The following reference material is provided for the convenience of OAG auditors. The content that is not produced by the OAG is available in the language in which it was published. Auditors can consult Audit Services at any time if they wish to seek assistance about any of these subjects. Audit Services provides assistance in both Official Languages.

Standards Issued By Publication Date Type Title
CAS CPA Canada 2020 Research, Guidance and Support Audit and assurance summary resource guide
CAS CPA Canada 2020 Guidance resources Revised CAS 540: Guidance resources
CAS CPA Canada 2020 Audit and assurance alert

Revised CAS 315, risks of material misstatement

CAS CPA Canada 2019 Auditor reporting guide Reporting Implications of the Canadian Auditing Standards (4th edition)
CAS CPA Canada 2018 Audit and Assurance Alert CAS 701–Key Audit Matters
CAS CPA Canada 2017 Audit and Assurance Alert CAS 720–The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information
IFRS CPA Canada 2020 IFRS guidance resources International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
IFRS IFRS Foundation 2021 Issued Standards List of IFRS Standards and IFRIC Interpretations
PSAS PSAB 2021 Guidance How to Evaluate a GBE’s Financial Self-sufficiency
Other CPA Canada/CPAB/ICD 2018 Guidance and tools for audit committees—Enhancing Audit Quality in Canada

Oversight of the External Auditor: Guidance for Audit Committees

Annual Assessment of the External Auditor: Tool for Audit Committees

Periodic Comprehensive Review of the External Auditor: Tool for Audit Committees

Guidance and Tools for Audit Committees: FAQs

Guidance and Tools for Audit Committees: Information Sheet for Audit Committee Clients

Enhancing Audit Quality—Annual and Comprehensive Assessment