G.6 Management Action Plan Template

Date of report: D/M/Y

Purpose: To outline management action plan, timelines and priorities related to the recommendations included in the report

Information prepared at (Date):

Prepared by (area under audit): NAME Title

Approved by (area under audit): NAME Title

Note: This document is to be saved by the area under audit or Audit Services for a practice review summary report. Each updated iteration should be saved as a new version of the document, and forwarded to the CAE for review and discussion. CAE will submit the document to the AC. Please give PRIA read-only access to the document. Management should date each entry in the Management Comment column under separate heading.  Previous management comments are not to be revised.  Once all recommendations are addressed (i.e. complete or no longer relevant) submissions are no longer necessary. The Proxi number is an automatic update at the bottom of the page and need not be revised.

Established at the Finalization of the Report Completed by Management in the future as required Date Submitted to the Audit Committee for review
(as per the report
Management Response
(as per the report)
Specific Commitments and Deliverables Target Date(s) and
Expected measure(s) by deliverable
Self-Assessment of Progress demonstrated (actual Management Comments
(challenges or other observations


On track
*requires further explanation to demonstrate reasoning for cancellation or delay of action plan items Explanation and discussion of progress:



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