F.14 Closing Conference

  1. The purpose of this procedure is to define certain events that should take place prior to and during the exit conference.

  2. During the audit:

    1. Discuss all aspects of a potential audit finding with the person performing the function, being sure to seek his or her input on potential solutions.

    2. Fully develop all audit findings using documentation in accordance with Procedure D-12—Attributes of a well-developed audit finding.

    3. Work with management, where possible, to jointly develop improvement actions to address the finding for incorporation into the recommendation. Discuss fully developed audit findings and recommendations with the responsible department head. Also discuss any items requiring follow‑up and document management's response to the finding.

  3. The objective of the above is to confirm the accuracy of the facts supporting the finding, enhance the quality of the proposed improvement action, prevent any surprises in the exit meeting, and thereby contribute to the success and sustainability of the improvement action.

  4. The Practice Review and Internal Audit team should discuss all audit findings, proposed exemptions, and results with the Chief Audit Executive and the internal audit director before the exit conference is held.

  5. Prior to the exit conference, a presentation strategy should be developed. Related issues may be combined and a presentation sequence should be developed. Items may be addressed in descending order of importance, in logical business transaction sequence, by areas of responsibility, or any manner that enhances the communication, understanding, and agreement on improvement actions. Avoid initial points that may establish a tone of disagreement. Findings should be grouped into two categories and presented as such:

    1. Reportable items—receive top management visibility

    2. Memo comments—less serious issues that will be communicated verbally or by informal memo to management

  6. The internal auditor director is responsible for scheduling the exit conference. The goal is to have knowledgeable and accountable staff from the area under audit and management personnel at the meeting who can make decisions and implement agreed improvements. Exit conferences should be held prior to the last day of fieldwork or in the early morning of the last day of fieldwork to provide time for any requested follow‑up.

  7. The purpose of the exit conference is to inform management about the audit results and the report process, reach final agreement on findings, and finalize planned improvement actions. Management can also give updates on any actions already taken.

  8. The internal audit director, supervisor, or the auditor‑in‑charge should review the audit objectives, scope, and reporting process with the area under audit before discussing the audit findings. Where practical, audit findings and recommendations for improvement should then be discussed by the individual who developed the audit findings or audited that area. Consideration should also be given to noting any commendable practices or procedures observed. One person should be assigned to document all discussion during the meeting. Minutes should be prepared detailing each finding discussed during the exit conference.

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