I.8 Practice Review and Internal Audit Performance Indicators


The Practice Review and Internal Audit (PRIA) team is recognized and respected for the quality of its work and for its value-added contribution to the Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Financial perspective

Measure Target
Be a financially well-managed organization accountable for the use of resources entrusted to it
Percentage of PRIA contracts that are in compliance with Office policies. 100%
Percentage of PRIA products that are delivered within the established operational budget. 100%

Customer perspective

Measure Target
Be independent, objective, and non-partisan

Percentage of PRIA employees who comply with professional standards and are independent.

Client Satisfaction Survey results indicate that the PRIA team staff demonstrated independence, objectivity, and non-partisanship. Achieved

Report what is working, areas for improvement, and recommendations in a manner that is understandable, timely, fair, and adds value

Percentage of internal audit and practice review recommendations addressed by management within the planned timeline.

At least 90%

Learning and growth perspective

Measure Target

Develop and maintain a skilled, engaged, and bilingual workforce

Percentage of PRIA employees who complete mandatory training within the allotted time frame.

The Chief Audit Executive (CAE) is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). Achieved

Percentage of PRIA employees who are certified (CIA, Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)).

At least 50%

Percentage of PRIA employees who meet the language requirements of their positions.


Internal perspective

Measure Target

Ensure selection and continuance of audit products likely to have significant impact and value

The Audit Committee recommends the approval of the PRIA Risk-Based Plan to the Auditor General (AG).

AG approval

Ensure internal audits comply with professional standards in an economical manner

External reviews find the PRIA team does comply with professional standards in the conduct of internal audits.

Highest level of Institute of Internal Audit Standards

Ensure effective, efficient, and accountable Office governance and management

Percentage of PRIA objectives achieved according to the Risk-Based Plan.

At least 80%

Audit Committee finds the PRIA team is carrying out its activities as expected.

Meets at least 80% of expectations

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